JOHN INTRODUCTION New Life Bible Fellowship
A. Authorship A. Authorship 1. Un-named but not unknown 1. Un-named but not unknown 2. Author: The beloved disciple 2. Author: The beloved disciple 3. Editors: affirmed author’s accuracy 3. Editors: affirmed author’s accuracy Apostle John Son of Zebedee
Audience: Asian Gentile unbelievers (Ephesus area) Audience: Asian Gentile unbelievers (Ephesus area) Date: Date: 85-90
D. Purpose John 20:30-31 “ Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” D. Purpose John 20:30-31 “ Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” 1. Supplemental – “many other signs” 1. Supplemental – “many other signs” 2. Selective – only 7 signs 2. Selective – only 7 signs 3. Evangelistic – “believe” 3. Evangelistic – “believe” 4. Theological – “Christ, the Son of God” 4. Theological – “Christ, the Son of God” 5. Transformational – “have life in His name” 5. Transformational – “have life in His name”
E. Christ’s Character: Deity E. Christ’s Character: Deity 1:1-3 – “the Word” 1:1-3 – “the Word” 5:17-18 – “equal with God” 5:17-18 – “equal with God” 8:58 absolute “I AM” 8:58 absolute “I AM” 10:30-33 – “claim to be God” 10:30-33 – “claim to be God” 17:3-5 – “glory with God” 17:3-5 – “glory with God” 17:21 – “you in Me, I in you” 17:21 – “you in Me, I in you” F. Nature: Documentary F. Nature: Documentary
G. Special Features 1. “I Am” statements (7) 1. “I Am” statements (7) Bread of Life 6:35 Light of World 9:5 Door 10:7 Good Shepherd 10:11 Resurrection 11:25 The Way Truth and Life 14:6 True Vine 15:5
G. Special Features 1. “I Am” statements (7) 2. Interviews 2. Interviews Nicodemus and Samaritan woman Nicodemus and Samaritan woman 3. Upper Room session Upper Room session a. Foot Washing 13 b. Departure Discourse c. High Priestly Prayer 17 a. Foot Washing 13 b. Departure Discourse c. High Priestly Prayer 17
4. 2/5 Passion Intro7 Signs & DiscoursesPassionResurrection 1 11/
H. Structural Principle H. Structural Principle 1. Judean ministry 1. Judean ministry 2. Rotation of signs and discourses 2. Rotation of signs and discourses 3. Upper room session Upper room session 13-17
I. Special Problems I. Special Problems 1. Distinct chronology 1. Distinct chronology = several trips to Jerusalem = several trips to Jerusalem 2. Adultery text – John 7:51-8:11 2. Adultery text – John 7:51-8:11 Omitted in earliest and most reliable manuscripts Omitted in earliest and most reliable manuscripts
J. Theology 1. High Christology 1. High Christology a. Sign worker a. Sign worker b. Logos – (word) b. Logos – (word) c. Son of God c. Son of God d. Truly human (anti-docetism) d. Truly human (anti-docetism) e. Lamb of God e. Lamb of God 2. Holy Spirit as Paraclete – “Helper” 2. Holy Spirit as Paraclete – “Helper” 3. Eternal life now – realized eschatology 3. Eternal life now – realized eschatology 4. Eternal security 10: Eternal security 10:28-30