Blessed is the Man Psalm 112


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Presentation transcript:

Blessed is the Man Psalm 112

Psalm 112 Author & time unknown Companion to Psalm 111 Acrostic (Hebrew alphabet) Psa. 111 addresses the character of God, Psalm 112 addresses the character of the man of God

Hallelujah A English transliteration of the Hebrew word A word found 23 times in psalms (only). First (104), last (150) Always at beginning or end of psalm. Usually in groups. “Praise the LORD” We are reminded that it addresses YHWH and thus should be used with due reverence (cf. Psa. 111:9)

Blessed is the Righteous He fears the Lord! Where true service begins Prov. 1:7, the beginning of knowledge Prov. 9:10, the beginning of wisdom Prov. 19:23, leads to life Reverence – Heb. 12:28 1 John 4:18-19

Blessed is the Righteous He delights greatly in His commandments True reverence cannot be separated from true obedience Psalm 1:1-2 Matt. 7:21-23, Luke 6:46 1 John 5:2-3

Blessed is the Righteous His descendants will be mighty on the earth…wealth and riches… The blessedness of serving God But the ungodly seem to prosper, Cf. Psalm 2:1-3 Maybe so in this life, but is it lasting?

Blessed is the Righteous His descendants will be mighty on the earth… Righteousness is the right and honorable way! Matthew 5:3, the meek inherit the earth. Integrity, morality, honesty, virtue, etc. These are good and build societies

Blessed is the Righteous His descendants will be mighty on the earth… Longer life often achieved through wiser choices. Better quality of life Good attitudes cannot be stopped (cf. Matt. 10:28) Avoiding unhealthy and ungodly habits Wise management of resources often leads to prosperity Children blessed – Prov. 22:6, cf. 2 Tim. 1:3-5

Blessed is the Righteous “His righteousness endures forever” (3) Such qualities sustain a nation! Prov. 14:34 BUT the godly look beyond this life, 2 Pet. 3:13, 1 Tim. 4:8

Blessed is the Righteous “Unto the upright there arises light in the darkness” (4) Light is associated with God and goodness this life1 John 1:5-7 Wisdom preserves us Prov. 2:10-11 Hope!

Blessed is the Righteous “He is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous” (4) A pleasant person Qualities of God – Psa.111:3-4 We strive to imitate Him Eph. 5:1, 1 Cor. 11:1 The world needs these qualities!

Blessed is the Righteous “A good man deals graciously and lends” (5) The unselfish life. Worldly possessions not his ultimate goal Prov. 19:17“He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, And He will pay back what he has given.” Luke 6:35

Blessed is the Righteous “He will guide his affairs with discretion” (5) Wisdom in conduct. Considers long term effects Eph. 5:15, circumspectly Col. 4:5, walk in wisdom

Blessed is the Righteous “Surely he will never be shaken” (6) Grounded! He will not move away from God. Psa. 1:3, Matt. 7:24-27, wise and foolish builders

Blessed is the Righteous “The righteous will be an everlasting remembrance” (6) Established by God! Heb. 6:10 cf. Matthew 10:42, even a cup of cold water

Blessed is the Righteous “He will not be afraid of evil tidings” (7) Through we face troubles here, such do not ultimately defeat us Cf. Matt. 10:28 Heb. 13:5-6

Blessed is the Righteous “His heart is steadfast…established…” (7-8) With discretion and resolve he moves forward 1 Cor. 15:58, steadfast, immovable; Galatians 6:9

Blessed is the Righteous “Until he sees his desire upon his enemies (8) Not wishing evil on them cf. Rom. 12:14, 17-21; Matt. 5:43-44 He desires good for them – that they turn to God that justice prevails let God take care of them 2 Thess. 1:6-10

Blessed is the Righteous NOTE: In all these things, sometimes the worldly and ungodly possess them! It does not make them righteous. IT demonstrates that God is RIGHT in His instructions! With God we have real and lasting purpose!

Reward of the Godly and Wicked The godly – he has dispersed abroad, given to the poor (9) Because of these qualities… His righteousness endures forever, His horn will be exalted with honor! Rev. 14:13, Matt. 25:41

Reward of the Godly and Wicked The wicked– he will see it and be grieved (10) In torments, he will consider his conduct! Cf. Luke 16:23-31, the rich man Matt. 8:12, 25:30, etc. weeping and gnashing of teeth His desires WILL perish!

Are you blessed in the LORD?