Home Learning Task 3 Complete the writing guide to create the text you are going to include in your brochure. You can add your own ideas that aren’t covered in the writing guide – it’s only there to help you!
In pairs / groups of three, look at the brochure examples. Give two things you like about it and one thing that you think could be improved. Interesting font Harmonious / complimentary colour scheme Needs more images
Layout: The way something is arranged on the page. This is a word that graphic designers use a lot, can you think of another word that means something similar in Art…?
All will look at existing brochure designs All will create an InDesign document and design their own layout Most will add images Most will re-size images and boxes to fit layout Some may add their own text
Big Picture Create a document in InDesign Learn about the different tools Design your own layout – include a mixture of text and images boxes (a least three of each) Add the images and scale them to fit the boxes Add your own text
In the start up menu go to Graphics > InDesign Once in InDesign go to file > new > document
Setting up your page layout Choose paper size A4 Orientation portrait Margins 3p0 Columns 2
Your document should now look like this: Now you can start to decide how you are going to lay it out Go to next slide to find out how… Look at the brochure examples: where do you want to add text? where do you want to add images?
Get to know your tool bar The black arrow at the top allow you to move boxes around the page, the white arrow allows you to move objects inside the boxes Just like in Photoshop, the ‘T’ is for text – use it when you need to write in a box These two boxes are the boxes you’ll need first: the one with a cross in it is for pictures; the blank one is for text. These icons are for fill colour (the line through it means there is no fill colour selected) and border colour The rest you can pick up as you go…
Here is an example layout Using the box tools, experiment with where you want to put your images and text Remember! The blank box is for writing, the one with a cross is for images. You can the arrow tool to move the boxes. Using the box tools, experiment with where you want to put your images and text Remember! The blank box is for writing, the one with a cross is for images. You can the arrow tool to move the boxes.
How to add an image Click on your image box, then... Go to ‘file’> ‘place’ Select the image you want to use. Click on your image box, then... Go to ‘file’> ‘place’ Select the image you want to use.
See the example below Choose suitable image s for all your image boxes
What if my doesn’t fit the box?
What if my image doesn’t fit the box? Again, right click and go to fitting - this time go to ‘fill frame proportionally.
Adding text Go to the text icon on the tool bar ‘T’ Type directly into the text boxes. Don’t worry about fonts, text colour, etc – we’ll look at that next lesson. Go to the text icon on the tool bar ‘T’ Type directly into the text boxes. Don’t worry about fonts, text colour, etc – we’ll look at that next lesson.
See the example below
Check! Have you taken ideas from other brochures you’ve looked at? Have created your own layout? Have you the file in your own folder called natural forms – Kew gardens, in your own documents?! Added images and resized them to fit? Added your own text? Have you taken ideas from other brochures you’ve looked at? Have created your own layout? Have you the file in your own folder called natural forms – Kew gardens, in your own documents?! Added images and resized them to fit? Added your own text?
Review WWW: What did you do successfully in this lesson EBI: What could you do to improve? WWW: What did you do successfully in this lesson EBI: What could you do to improve?