Unbound data fields, find, filter etc. using Data Environment Please use speaker notes for additional information!


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Presentation transcript:

Unbound data fields, find, filter etc. using Data Environment Please use speaker notes for additional information!


Student00 Major00 Stucourse00 Course00

StuFind is set to the formula needed for the FIND which is the comparison of the studentidno on the table to the txtstudentidno entered on the form. If a match is found, then the procedure Fill_TextBoxes will be executed. EOF means that no match was found. PrFindetc.vbp

I execute this procedure having found a match in Student00 to the student idno that was entered in the text box. Therfore, I can now take the name, enrolled and majorcode from that matching record and move the information to the text boxes. I then need to go to the Major00 table to find the majorname and the advisor. First I establish MajFind as the formula to compare the majorcode from the Major00 table (actually the rsdecMajor00 recordset that is set up via my Data Environment) to the majorcode that I just moved to the textbox. I then do the Find MajFind and if successful I move the majorname and advisor to the text boxes. If no match is found, I fill the boxes with ##########.

PrFindetc.vbp I am now using filter to get the records where the studentidno in the recordset from the Stucourse00 table matches the input student idno. This creates a set of all entries in Stucourse00 that are for the student found. Now I am doing a do loop to process the records in the filter by finding the matching course name and the number of credits. In the list box, I am using vbTab to line up the data by tabbing to the next column. AddItem adds the line that is created with the concatenation and the vbTab to the list box. Then I move to the next record to process.
