Midterm Review
Overall No OpenGL programming questions, but programming pipeline and concepts of important OpenGL functions are required. – Parameter list is not tested – But what does this function do and mathematical formulas behind this function will be tested Linear Algebra calculation is required (Get familiar with them!) – Dot product – Cross product – Matrix operations(+ - *) Undergraduate and Graduate students have common questions and different questions Time: Oct. 21 st, 9:15AM – You can have a size A4 notes only, and it is NOT sharable.
Lecture 3 NDC What is it? Why it? How does it work? The formulas You did this in your HW1.
Lecture 4&5 All about glBegin(GL_LINES) – What are the problems of simple line drawing methods? How to solve them? Rasterizing lines (Details!) – DDA/parametric algorithm – Midpoint/Bresenham’s algorithm Rasterizing polygons/triangles – Scan converting – Edge walking – Edge equation Line drawing vs Triangle drawing
Lecture 6 Make yourself clear about the following matrices: – Translation – Rotation (around origin and arbitrary point) – Combination of translation and rotation, different orders of combination. Euclidean transformation Why homogenous matrix?(lecture 8 also have information) Similitude Transforms Affine Transformations Projective Transforms
Lecture 7 Primitives of 3D – Vertex – Normal – Texel – Faces Given vertex of triangle, what is the normal? Given a point and a line on a plane(the point is not on the line), what is the normal?
Lecture 8 Matrix operations---practice this! Vectors and points Linear transformation
Lecture 9&10 Lamp example Graphics pipeline – The order – What does not each stage do?
Lecture 11&12 gluLookAt – Derive transformation from gluLookAt Projection – Orthographic – Perspective (Derive the matrix) View frustum – NDC perspective matrix
Lecture 13 Clipping position in graphics pipeline – Outcode clipping – One-Plane-at-a-Time Clipping (a.k.a. Sutherland-Hodgeman Clipping) – Back-Face Culling – Removing Back-Faces
Lecture 14 Plane equation Painter’s algorithm BSP tree Ray casting & depth buffering