Nouns and Pronouns
Noun A noun is the name of a person, place or thing. It can be explained by stating what it is, a person, place or thing. For Example: Radios, books, and telephones are media used by almost everyone. Name the nouns within the example sentence and explain why each word identifies as a noun. Radios, books, telephones, and media.
Assignment: Page 310: Exercise 1
Types of Nouns Collective Nouns Compound Nouns Common Nouns Proper Nouns
Collective Nouns A collective noun is a noun that names a group of individual people or things. For examples: team, class, committee, crowd, group, audience.
Assignment: Page 311: Exercise 2
Compound Nouns A compound noun is a noun made up of two or more words. They can be separate words, hyphenated words, or combined words.
Types of Compound Nouns
Assignment: Page 312: Exercise 3
Common Nouns and Proper Nouns Common Nouns name any one of a class of people, places, or things. Examples: inventor village story Proper Nouns name a specific person, place, or thing. Examples: Alexander Graham Bell Tarry town “Rikki-tikki-tavi”
Common Nouns are not capitalized. Proper Nouns are always capitalized. HINT: Common Nouns are not capitalized. Proper Nouns are always capitalized.
Assignment: Page 312: Exercise 4 and 5
Pronoun A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun or of a group of words acting as a noun. Example: My father opened his files first. He couldn’t wait any longer. What is the pronoun? He.
Antecedents The noun for which the pronoun replaces. For Example: When Mellisa wants to use the restroom, she asks for a pass. What is the antecedent? (What replaces the pronoun, she? Mellisa.
Personal Pronouns Personal Pronouns refer to (1) the person speaking, (2) the person spoken to, or (3) the person, place, or thing spoken about. For Example: I waited for my class to line up. There are two personal pronouns in example sentence. What are they?
Demonstrative Pronoun “The Pointers” point out a specific person, place, or thing. This, that, these, those. For Example: This is your review for your quiz. What is the demonstrative pronoun? This.
Relative Pronoun Relative pronouns begin subordinate clauses and connects it to another part of the sentence called the independent clause. That, which, who, whom, whose For Example: Here is the website which needs to be blocked.
Interrogative Pronoun Interrogative Pronouns are used to begin a question. What, which, who, whom, whose. Who is going to make an “A” on their quiz today? What is the interrogative pronoun? Who.
Indefinite Pronouns Indefinite pronouns refer to people, places, or things, often without specifying which ones. For Example: I bet that there are only a few students who studied for today’s quiz. What is the Indefinite Pronoun?
Let’s put it all together now! What is the difference between Common and Proper Nouns? What is the difference between collective and compound nouns? What is the difference between demonstrative and relative pronouns?