Quench Protection Maximum Voltages G. Ambrosio, V. Marinozzi, M. Sorbi WG Video-Mtg January 14, 2015
2 MQXF protection scheme MQXF Quench Protection Analysis – Vittorio Marinozzi Dumping resistance48 mΩ Maximum voltage to ground800 V Voltage threshold100 mV Validation time10 ms Heaters delay time from firing (inner layer) (CoDHA) [1] 12 ms Heaters delay time from firing (outer layer) (CoDHA) [1] 16 ms [1] T. Salmi et al., “A Novel Computer Code for Modeling Quench Protection Heaters in High-Field Nb3Sn Accelerator Magnets”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. vol 24, no 4, Jan. 15, 2015
3 MQXF protection with IL-PH MQXF Quench Protection Analysis – Vittorio Marinozzi No inner layer PHInner Layer PH 330 K290 K The MQXF hot spot temperature decreases of ~40 K inserting inner layer protection heaters Dynamic effects are not yet considered in these simulations Jan. 15, 2015
4 Updated MQXF protection w and w/o IFCC MQXF Quench Protection Analysis – Vittorio Marinozzi No inner layer PH No inner layer PH+ IFCC Inner Layer PH Inner Layer PH + IFCC 330 K (365 K) 306 K (342 K) 290 K (311 K) 266 K (288 K) IFCC dynamic effects decrease the MQXF hot spot temperature of K. The effect is therefore appreciable, but we do NOT take it into account because it is not yet demonstrated in MQXF magnets, and the powering system is still under design. Further improvements could come from quench back, which has not been considered (work in progress) The numbers between parentheses show impact of failure of half of the heaters Jan. 15, 2015
Voltages Max Coil-Ground: 800 V – At dump insertion – unless symmetric grounding is used Max Coil-Heater: 500 V – Max voltage of heater firing units Max turn-turn: 12 V – Preliminary based on QLASA – Failure scenarios to be studied Jan. 15,
Back Up Slides 6 Jan. 15, 2015
7 Protection assumptions Voltage threshold100 mV Dump resistor46 mΩ Validation time10 ms IL heatersYes Dynamic effectsyes Quench backno MQXF Quench Protection Analysis – Vittorio Marinozzi & Tiina Salmi Peak Temperature vs. Location and Current Jan. 15, 2015
Quench Protection Improvements Understanding “dynamic effects” = energy extraction and quench propagation caused by inter-filament losses Development of heaters with copper-cladding Development of heaters for inner layer (to be demo.) 8 M. Marchevsky, "Design optimization and testing of the protection heaters for the LARP high-field Nb3Sn quadrupoles", presented at ASC2014. Courtesy J. C. Perez Courtesy M.Marchevsky, E.Todesco, D.Cheng, T.Salmi If the 11T project successfully demonstrates inter-layer heaters, we will be happy to use them Jan. 15, 2015
Post-HQ02b Test: Bore, viewed from RE Jan. 15, Coil 16 Coil 17 Coil 20 Coil 15 Heater bubble
Post-HQ02b Test: Bore, viewed from RE Jan. 15, Coil 16 Coil 17 Coil 20 Coil 15 Crazing/crac king of epoxy
LHQ Coil LHQ coil #3 has all the features of MQXF coils not tested in previous long coils (90 mm, 3 m) – Ti ternary RRP strands – Stainless steel core (25 um thick) – Braided insulation – Stainless steel end parts – Use of tool and binder during winding – Flexible features in saddles Jan. 15, Different protection heaters for MQXF optimization – 5 kV electrical strength with 50 um polyimide
Protection Heater Studies Both heaters are very efficient (delay < 10 ms) at operating current Similar performance under similar conditions B01 B02 G. Chlachidze, 11/14/14 LARP Mtg Analysis in progress Jan. 15,
Updated Simulations Demonstrated real beneficial effect of bronze Hot spot temp lower by ~ 30K Compared property databases MATPRO is most conservative Fine tuned by comparing HQ tests data with simulations – See examples in next slides Jan. 15, V. Marinozzi, et al., “Study of quench protection for the Nb3Sn low-beta quadrupole for the LHC luminosity upgrade (HiLumi-LHC)”, to be published in IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 2015.
14 Inductance reduction for high dI/dt MQXF Quench Protection Analysis – Vittorio Marinozzi HQ simulation using the nominal inductance, experimentally measured at low dI/dt (<50 A/s) [1] There is an evident disagreement, starting from the very beginning Similar behavior has been experimentally observed in various HQ and LQ decays It is not due to quench back, because of its suddenness It has benefic effects on the protection, therefore its simulation in MQXF could be very useful The explanation has been investigated as an electromagnetic coupling with Inter- Filament-Coupling-Currents (IFCC) in the strand, due to high dI/dt, which causes a considerable inductance reduction [1] H. Bajas et al., “Cold Test Results of the LARP HQ Nb3Sn quadrupole magnet at 1.9 K”. Presented at the Applied Superconductivity Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, R d =60m Ω No PH ~100 kA/s R d =60m Ω No PH ~100 kA/s Jan. 15, 2015
15 IFCC as magnetization currents MQXF Quench Protection Analysis – Vittorio Marinozzi The differential inductance can be computed as: Static inductance Magnetic susceptibility related to IFCC Under exponential assumptions, the magnetic susceptibility related to the IFCC can be computed as: [1] M. N. Wilson, “Superconducting Magnets”, Clarendon Press Oxford, [2] L. Rossi and M. Sorbi, “QLASA: A computer code for quench simulation in adiabatic multicoil superconducting windings”, Nat. Inst. of Nucl. Phys. (INFN), Rome, Italy, Tech. Rep. TC-04-13,2004. This model has been implemented in QLASA [2] Jan. 15, 2015
16 HQ simulation MQXF Quench Protection Analysis – Vittorio Marinozzi ~30% Considering dynamic effects allows to simulate well the experimental decay from the very beginning to t=~15 ms In this decay, the MIITs produced considering dynamic effects are ~20% less then using nominal inductance The disagreement after 15 ms could be due to quench back Jan. 15, 2015
17 IFCC and quench back MQXF Quench Protection Analysis – Vittorio Marinozzi Quench back after 10 ms together with dynamic effects allow to reproduce the decay until its end Conclusions: Both quench back and dynamic effects are needed in order to reproduce the decay until the end Quench back alone is not enough QLASA cannot predict the time of quench back occurring, but it can now predict the inductance reduction due to dynamic effects. Improvement of QLASA is under way. Jan. 15, 2015