Evaluation question Aim: to understand the requirements of an evaluation question and to effectively answer the evaluation question. © S.H (ilm82)
In this lesson you will… Learn the structure of the evaluation question. How to effectively obtain marks. The importance of using an effective structure, i.e. the sandwich structure. The need to have a balance of arguments so that you get full marks. Apply your knowledge to exam questions.
The question STATEMENT – read it carefully Do you agree? – your opinion on the statement Give reasons for your opinion, - your reasons for your opinion on the statement Showing that you have considered another point of view – offer an alternative viewpoint, respond to it (evaluate) and conclude. © S.H (ilm82)
Grade Criterion L1 For an opinion supported by one relevant reason 1 mark L2 For a basic for and against, or a reasoned opinion supported by religious/moral evidence. 2 marks L3 For a reasoned evaluation, using religious/moral argument, evidence or examples, referring to another point of view. 3 marks L4 For a coherent and reasoned evaluation, based on religious/moral argument, evidence or examples, giving a balanced account of an alternative point (s) of view to reach a personal conclusion. 4 marks © S.H (ilm82)
Class Debate “Boys are better than Girls.” Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion, showing that you have considered another point of view. The class will be split into two sections. The boys will argue against the statement and the girls will argue in favour of the statement. Yes that makes it harder but it allows you to understand that to win an argument you need to also offer the alternative view in a balanced fashion. In the debate one person has to stand up from each side to offer an argument a person from the other side has to stand up to counter argue the point. You need to refer to the statement. Each argument offered will help your side get a point. © S.H (ilm82)
So are boys better than girls? Well we certainly wouldn’t promote sexism in an R.E class at all. Each person has the potential to choose right or wrong. There are great men & women and not so great men and women. All those present will hopefully strive to be good and not let any stereotype impede their success © S.H (ilm82)
The Sandwich structure ‘I agree/disagree (choose only one) with the viewpoint that…(write out statement)’ + reasons ‘On the other hand some people may argue …(write out statement)’ + reasons ‘However others may argue with this viewpoint because…’ ‘In response to these arguments one may say…’ + reasons or examples ‘Overall, I agree/disagree with the viewpoint that…(write out statement) because…’ – a summary of the main points and your overall perspective © S.H (ilm82)
Statements: You now need to apply your knowledge of the sandwich structure to these questions 1) ‘There is plenty of evidence that God exists.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion, showing that you have considered another point of view. 2) ‘Religion is no longer important in the modern world.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion, showing that you have considered another point of view. 3) ‘Every woman has the right to an abortion.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion, showing that you have considered another point of view. © S.H (ilm82)