Discuss this quote at your table. Discuss this quote at your table. “Unless you can get the ear of a Senator… and persuade him to use his ‘influence’ on your behalf, you cannot get employment of the most trivial nature in Washington.” “Unless you can get the ear of a Senator… and persuade him to use his ‘influence’ on your behalf, you cannot get employment of the most trivial nature in Washington.” Mark Twain
Often Referred to as the “Forgettable Presidents” Often Referred to as the “Forgettable Presidents” Known for Political Patronage, Scandals and Bribery Known for Political Patronage, Scandals and Bribery Railroad Fraud Railroad Fraud Whiskey Ring Whiskey Ring Voter Fraud Voter Fraud Laborers or Corporations Laborers or Corporations
President Jackson President Jackson Appointments Appointments Garfield’s Assassination Garfield’s Assassination Shot by Lawyer who thought he was owed an appointment. Shot by Lawyer who thought he was owed an appointment. Pendleton Civil Service Act Pendleton Civil Service Act Exam Exam Merit Based Merit Based 10% of Federal Employees 10% of Federal Employees
Political machines: organizations in cities provided some social assistance (giving out coal during the winter, providing housing) in exchange for votes. Political machines: organizations in cities provided some social assistance (giving out coal during the winter, providing housing) in exchange for votes. Especially influenced poor immigrants in urban areas Especially influenced poor immigrants in urban areas If they did not want to vote, they were intimidated into voting. If they did not want to vote, they were intimidated into voting. Leaders of political machines often had more power than the “puppet” elected official Leaders of political machines often had more power than the “puppet” elected official William Tweed: As long as I count the votes, what are you going to do about it? William Tweed: As long as I count the votes, what are you going to do about it?
What did the Political Machines receive besides political power? What did the Political Machines receive besides political power? Kickbacks for Government contracts (taxes disappearing) Kickbacks for Government contracts (taxes disappearing) A percentage of income given to a person in a position of power or influence as payment for having made the income possible A percentage of income given to a person in a position of power or influence as payment for having made the income possible Fraudulent Legal Firms Fraudulent Legal Firms Accepted payment from urban contractors for non-existent legal services Accepted payment from urban contractors for non-existent legal services Control of the Treasury Control of the Treasury All accountants were appointed by _____ All accountants were appointed by _____