Scripture Reading Titus 2:1-6
Introduction We want to focus our attention on serving God in youth & old age. Both have certain challenges. The young are full of life, many are not ready to “settle” down. The aged are often beset with physical aliments that can discourage them. Let us consider some things from the scriptures.
Serving God in our Youth One of the things that young people contribute to the church is enthusiasm. Eccl. 11:9-10; 12:1. Young people should enjoy their vibrant, somewhat carefree life. However, they must also remember that God will judge them too.
Challenges our Young People Face One challenge they face is peer pressure. The necessity to be different is sometimes very difficult for young people. As people of God, we are not to be like the world (1 Pet. 2:9; 4:1-5). Young people are sometime hesitant to be different.
Challenges Our Young People Face Temptation is also a challenge. It is a challenge that we all face as Christians (Jms. 1:2-3,12). Young people don’t always have the experience to deal properly with temptation. As parents, grandparents, older Christians, we must help our young people.
Two Examples for Our Youth Daniel (Daniel 2, 6). Daniel was a young man when he was taken into captivity. In chapters 2 & 6 he was unwilling to be pressured. Joseph (Genesis 39). Joseph resisted the temptation to commit adultery with Potiphar’s wife.
Challenges of Aged Christians As we age in years, the body begins to feel the effects of such. 2 Corinthians 4: Just because our physical bodies are perishing should not cause one to decrease in their faithfulness. Eccl. 12:2-6.
Challenges of Aged Christians The feeling that they are not needed. 1 Cor. 12:12-ff. All members of the body are important. Not all members perform the same function, but do have a part. Older Christians may have to slow down but not completely stop.
Challenges of Aged Christians The tendency to become cynical. When we view the world around us it difficult not to become cynical. Christians should hope for and see the best in other people. We do not want to be naïve, but we can hope for the best in mankind.
Conclusion Obviously we did not have an exhaustive list to look at. Young, middle aged, and older Christians are a source of encouragement to me. Let us think of each other, and try to edify one another, and be attuned to the needs of our brethren.