OPEN HOUSE - August 25, 2011 WELCOME to AP/IB Environmental Science
Jennifer Ekstein MS.Ed Education takes everyone! Please feel free to contact me by or phone office I love ! I communicate topics and lessons through - you may have received s from me!!
Topics Climate Change Air, Land, Water resources Tragedy of Commons Pollution Ecological Communities, Biomes, etc Population Ecology All topics combined with Socio- Political-Economic Impacts
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not." — Dr. Seuss, The Lorax coherent perspective of the interrelationships between environmental systems and societies one that will enable them to adopt an informed personal response to the wide range of pressing environmental issues they will inevitably come to face.
Homework- Chapter HW packet –Reading –Chapter outline –Review questions –Due every Wed with a Quiz –Less than 70% a citizenship
Weighted Grading 15% Activities 25% Labs 40% Exams & Quizzes 10% Homework 10% FINAL
AP/IB Laboratory Exercises Formal Notebook –Introduction –Hypothesis –Results –Conclusions Grading Criteria –Standard Rubric
Grading Curve 95% A+55%C- 90% A54 % F 85% A 80% B+ 75% BNo D Policy! 70% B- 65% C+ 60% C Online gradebook Sign-up with access code Printouts in class in back weekly
AP/IB Schedule IB SL- Counts as a Group 3/4 AP -
No unexcused Late work accepted! Students can look book companion website: Google: Miller 15th Edition Living In the Environment m/cgi- wadsworth/course_produ duct_isbn_issn= &discipline_numb er=0
Wish List Tissue for sick students! Hand Sanitizer Band-aids Laser Printer Paper Towels