Our Library Staff Librarian and Computer Teacher: Mr. Welsh Librarian Assistant: Mrs. Warren
Library Rules Be respectful of Library Staff and Visitors Come to library ready to listen and learn. Always walk in the library Only use inside voices. Take care of library materials. Always use shelf markers. Clean up after yourself. Push chairs in whenever you leave the table. When given time to check out quickly find materials, check out, and then read quietly.
Book Care Library books are shared by everyone so please follow the following whenever using a library or school book: Please handle all books gently Do not eat or drink while reading a library book. Never use a book as a weapon or projectile. Do not put lunches in your backpack with library books (spills, while accidental, ruin books) Books and liquid do not mix. (Do not take a bath with a book) Never repair library books yourself Bring all Damaged library books to the librarian to be repaired.
Check Out Procedures 1. When excused, find a book quietly. 2. If you need help locating a book, Don’t be afraid to ask for help. 3. Everyone needs to use a shelf marker when removing books from the shelf. 4. Do not put books back on the shelf unless you know exactly where the book goes. 5. Never push books back on the shelf (all books should remain at the edge of the shelf so that books can be easily seen. 6. After finding a book please sit quietly at the table and read until the Librarian is ready to check books out to you. You will be called up by table. 7. Once you have checked out return to your table and continue to read quietly.