Best Practice On The Gums Extension
What is best practice? “The implementation of innovative dairy business practices that fosters sustainable outcomes for both the dairy industry and the community”
What is not best practice..... Innovation Sustainable Personal Community
Our best practice Sustainable profitability –Grazing Management –Animal Health and Welfare –Occupational Health and Safety –Human Resource Management –Environmental Management
What are our BMPs? 4 – 6 page documents Practical for the industry to use Written for The Gums Professionals used when required Changeable document
OH and S OH and S consultant Audit Plan was developed for the farm Changes made On-going monitoring “Simply the BMPs are all about the process”
BMP achievements to date TargetActual Occupational Health and Safety Plan completeAudit completed Draft completed Pasture ManagementPlan completeDraft completed Human Resource Management Plan completeInterview completed Draft PD’s Animal Health and Welfare Plan completeDraft completed Environmental Management Plan completeDairySat Completed PMP Draft
The Farm Commercial / corporate dairy farm Profit objectives “With emphasis on sustainability through best practice”
Linking to industry Extension component 3 things to understand -Lo input corporate farm -Isolated -Large scale
Communication Farm Walks (every Monday) Field Days Targeted group visits Regional meetings list
Transparency –Farm Walk Notes –Weekly Data Set –Financial information –Event information –Project information
Engagement Farmer feedback Lively discussions –500 people across the farm –2000 hits on the web –2 field days