English lesson. Form: 6-A Teacher: Rapp Olga Vasylivna
What is missing?
Computers and technology
Repeat after me these words! Interested carry arrow return screen [ɪ̱ntrestɪd] ['kærɪ] ['ærəu] [rɪ'tɜːn] [skriːn]
Complete words and spell! B _ _ g E _ _ _ l L _ _ _ _ p W _ _ _ _ _ e M _ _ _ e B _ _ _ _ n K_ _ _ _ d I _ _ _ _ _ _ t l o m a i a p t o e b s i t o u s u t t o e y p a n t e r n e
A type of disc that we use to watch films A personal computer A group of connected pages on the World Wide Web A personal computer that is small and light A personal website or a web page An electronic device used to playing computer games
A short History of the Internet Tim Berners-Lee
I’m keen on making noise. I’m fond of his new car. I’m interested in UFOs. I’m very good at repairing things. Make the sentence!
Sing and dance!