ECE 445 Buying Parts Brady Salz September 14, 2015
WHERE TO? Parts can be obtained from a variety of sources, but namely: Senior Design Lab ECEB Service Shop ECE Store (Supply Center) Individual Vendors (Texas Instruments, Analog Devices) Small Distributors (Sparkfun, Adafruit) Industrial Distributors (Digikey, Adafruit)
FREE Stuff in the lab is “free to use” –But not “free to keep” –Need to check out larger/more expensive items This also applies to the service shop –Full of IC’s –Full of passives –Full of interconnects –Full of wire (now also in the lab) Many companies offer free samples of their parts –TI, Analog Devices, Linear, Coilcraft, Maxim, etc
BUYING PARTS Each person given a budget of ~$40 in to spend freely Can be spent at the ECE Shop or through a different distributor via My.ECE After that, on your own –Lump it under the “textbook fee” Looking into something very expensive? –Ask your TA, case-by-case basis
BOM Management Buying a resistor may be challenging –Digikey lists 350,000 as of last night Lots of neat startups recently for BOM tools – –Octopart –Sandsquid Might be overkill, might be worth checking out
TRUSTED DISTRIBUTORS Primarily Digikey and Mouser Others include: Allied, Avnet, Jameco, MCM Electronics, Newark Hobbyist: Sparkfun, Adafruit, Pololu, Tindie Ones I would NOT recommend for this class: –Aliexpress, DealExtreme, ElectroDragon, Ebay –Futurlec, GE Tech, LedQuotations, Tayda –Shipping speed not reasonable on scale we expect you to move
PCB PURCHASES You are expected to design and solder a PCB in this class Service Shop will mill your design out for you for free Limitations –Two sided –No plated vias –No soldermask/silkscreen
TRUSTED PCB SERVICES Advanced Circuits OSHpark DirtyPCBs Seeed Studio Please ask your TA before using a different service Most often, shipping time doesn’t fit into course timeline