What every pastor should know or ask about the church web site. Communications Committee Martin Stokes Chp.
Is our web site user-friendly? #10 or “would-be user” frustrating?
Are there appropriate links to other denominational sites? #9
Is the site current? #8 Or has the baby in the birth announcement just graduated from college?
Does the site reflect our history, programs, and dreams for the future? #7
Does the site contain a picture of the church, the address, phone numbers, contacts, and a map? #6
Are the staff and other leaders listed with their contact information? #5 How about your web servant?
Does the web site have something for people of all ages? #4
Are we legally correct? #3 Do we have peoples’ permission to publish their pictures and other information?
Do you, your session, and other leaders routinely add or update items to the web site? #2
What is your church’s web site URL? #1