E-Safety Many people around the world use internet For entertainment, social lives and Work. However, nobody knows what YOU could be getting yourself into.
Rules on how to stay safe online Keep personal detail to yourself If you see any thing suspicious, don’t keep it, share it with your family or report to the app/website. Don’t meet people face-to-face if you haven’t known them or met them before. Report anything abusive comments, sexting, nasty comment/pictures and threats. Always think about where and how you take your pictures. Never accept anybody’s phone number or .
Digital footprint Digital footprint is created when data are collected without the owner knowing. It is data left behind as we visit websites and browse the internet. This also means that if you search something inappropriate and you think that when you delete that search history, it will still be recorded for further uses!
!!!THINK!!! Whatever you do or post, you should always ‘think’ if it’s… T- Is It TRUE? H- Is it HELPFUL? I- Is it INSPIRING? N- Is it NECESSARY? K- Is it KIND?
Computer Law Whenever you are using any type of software, you should always think about if it has a good outcome. Here are 2 laws you must ALWAYS remember when you are on the computer. DATA PROTECTION ACT The law that governs the protection of personal data in the UK. It requires companies and individual in formation to themselves. COPYRIGHT ACT This law prevents the work of someone (writing, pictures, drawings etc.) from being used by others without permission. It covers literacy work, dramatic work, musical work, artistic work, films and sound recordings.
Video on Cyber-Bullying
To Conclude Many people of our generation are into technology and software that includes browsing and media. This slideshow is to help keep you safe and educated so if you get into any of these situations, you would know what to do. As a reminder, be… -Careful of what you search. -Report any unusual business. -And be aware of your surroundings.