How to Get a Black Book? The Steps to your Health Check & Your Health Action Plan
The Steps for a Health Check… 1.The Council Register 2. The GP Register 3.Before Your Health Check 4.At your Health Check 5.At the end of your health check 6.The Health Action Plan 7.Getting Help! 8.Useful Information 9. Any Questions or problems? 10. Remember – It’s your choice!
Step 1. – The Council Register Greenwich Community Learning Disability Team (CLDT) need to know who you are. They have a register of everyone with a learning disability who needs specialist help? If you are on this register, this is the first step to getting your black book.
Step 2. – The GP Register Your GP has a different register. GPs can choose to offer a Learning Disability health check or not. If your GP offers to do health checks, the Learning Disability Team register needs to be matched with the GP register. If your name is on both registers, your GP will send a letter like this. This is an invitation for your health check.
Step 3. – Before your Health Check Your GP might send a ‘Questionnaire’ like this. It has lots of questions about different health issues. Try to make sure it is filled in before your health check starts. Remember to bring it with you! Also, remember your urine (wee) sample!
Step 4 – At the Health Check When you come for your health check… The nurse or GP will have to do a lot of checks. They will ask a lot of questions about your health. They will weigh you and check your blood pressure. They should look in your ears and check your urine sample (wee). They will make a note of everything on their computer at the surgery.
Step 5 – At the end of the Health Check At the end of the Health Check, the nurse or GP will ask you if you already have a black book? If you have not been given a black book, the nurse or GP will give one to you. They will tell you what needs to be done next for you to be healthy. You will be offered a Health Action Plan if you need to do more to stay healthy. ?
Step 6 – The Health Action Plan The Nurse or GP will help you fill in the Health Action Plan. It is your job to look after yourself properly! It is your job to stick to the plan. It is your job to bring your book to all of your health appointments. This could be at the GP, Hospital, Optician, Dentist or any health service.
Step 7 – Getting Help! Carers are VERY important. They can help you with your black book if you need help. You might want help to bring your books to all of your appointments. You might want help to ask different people to write in your book.
Step 8 - Useful Information There is a book to help people understand the black book. Black books are called ‘Personal Health Profiles’. Ask your Carer, Nurse or GP to print the help pages for you from the internet. Extra pages for your black book can be printed too! This website link will help: gps/learning-disability-resources/personal-health-profiles/ gps/learning-disability-resources/personal-health-profiles/
Step 9 – About your health checks. Any questions or problems? You can ask me: If your GP is offering health checks? If you want to know more about health checks? If you have any questions about the black books or getting the right support with your health? My telephone number is: Mark Bradley Health Facilitation Coordinator
Step 10 - Remember! We need to register who you are? We need to register who your GP is? We need to work together! It is your choice to have a health check! It is up to you to look after yourself properly! It is up to you to use your black book! Ask for help if you need it!! Help please!