December Meeting Clyde Johnson President Boston Area Windows Server User Group
Informal peer–to-peer problem discussion ◦ Limit of 10 minutes per topic ◦ 6:00 – 6:30 The main meeting will begin promptly at 6:30 Premium member raffle: No Premium Raffle this month. You must be present to win a prize in any of our raffles Meeting Sponsored By
Topic 1: Microsoft Certifications ◦ Speaker: Clyde G. Johnson Topic 2: Windows 2012 ◦ Speaker: Clyde G. Johnson
Regular Membership - Free Notification of upcoming events and meetings Member Raffles Premium Membership - $25/year Advanced notification of limited events Premium Member Raffles Other discounts that we may arrange
Our website is located at BAWSUG is a “special” UG to Microsoft – one of the top UGs in the country. You make us this way. Please let us know how to make the group more relevant to you. We provide a “TechTips” list server, sign up at We are on LinkedIn via BAWSUG RSVP via Meetup We exist under the Boston User Groups (BUG) Umbrella, visit their website at Check their Calendar. Please clean up after yourselves…..
Clyde JohnsonPresident Gene LaisneVice President Maisy WongTreasurer Harold HenrySecretary Chris O’ConnellVendor Relations Ron ThibeauSpecial Projects John RossSpecial Projects Lee BenjaminExchange / GITCA Liaison Ken OlsonCoffee Don Dan StoltsMicrosoft Liaison Jack DanielConcigliari
February ◦ Exchange Crossover ◦ Feb 23 rd B-sides March April
Theo… ◦ In the hospital – Winchester hospital room 106
O’Reilly Discount Code: DDM5D Syngress 30% discount code: BAWSUG Other User Group Representatives here tonight? Jobs, jobs, jobs
Ken Olson Frank Quinn Dek Lee Jean-Luc Momplaisir Tristan Stoner And a special thanks to R on Thibeau and John Ross of Bluefin Technical Services.