Basic rules of photography By Hollie Willis
Rules of third Rule of thirds is were you would take a photo of something and it’s towards the left or right, when you take a photo is would be best to try and get the picture in the centre before you take it.
Simplicity When you take a photo which is relatively simple like a flower and if you zoom in to close it would make your photo looked blurred,when taking the picture try and get the background out of focus and make sure when taking the photo nothing would distract you.
Leading lines Leading lines direct you to the subject of the picture or may direct your eyes to a part of the photo that may not have been noticed before.
Straight horizon Straight horizon is when the horizon goes straight across the photo without bending. However if you don’t get it straight then it can look a bit odd.
Framing When framing natural surroundings think carefully where the monkey is sat or any other animal and also make sure that there is nothing behind to distract you.
Perspective Sometimes a change of perspective can add impact to your photo, when taking you photo try crouching down, or moving to left or to the right or you could just try taking the photo from a different angle or a different height. Try taking photos with all different lens like an fisheye lens.
Colour When taking a photo with bright colours sometimes the colours can create mood or emotions when being taken for example blue and greens are a cool colour and yellow and orange are warm colours.
Symmetry Sometimes you could just forget about the rules of third and just take your photo dead on in the middle, some people might say that symmetry is interesting enough or its just boring. The most important thing of taking photos is just to have fun and enjoy what you are doing.