111 Media General Cable Year 2000 Project Chief Executive Officer Status Report Briefing
222 Briefing Agenda Overview & Review Phases Timeline Definitions Short Status Report Overall Statistics Costs Discussion Review ‘Red’ Mission Critical Areas Plans to Address Mission Critical Areas Conclusion
333 Year 2000 Project Overview Project Plan Specific Phases Status update Guidance on current tasks to be addressed Work required of all departments, not just MIS Milestones to be met Explanation of work to be done
444 the Year 2000 Problem Software Network Hardware Operating Systems Computer Hardware Telephone Systems User Data Supporting Vendors Network Software Infrastructure & Servers etc. Microsoft Windows NT Server & Novell NetWare Personal Computers & Printers etc. Windows 3.11 & Windows95 & Windows NT Microsoft Office & Lotus cc:Mail etc. Files Created in Excel & Access etc. Facilities Phones & PBX, IVR, Resume Routing, Predictive Dialer, etc. Business Partners & Banks & Contractors & Suppliers & Service Contracts Heating & Air Conditioning & Elevators & Trucks & Security System, etc. Other Pagers, Cellular Phones, HeadEnd Equipment, AS/400, HP3000, Other Systems etc. Embedded Systems Systems Test Equipment, Security Systems, Environmental, Fax Machines, etc.
555 Year 2000 Project Timeline June 30th, 1999 Project Phases Target Completion This includes Implementation, Testing, and Deployment phases completion by this date "in almost all cases" - per Corporate direction. September 1st, 1999 Total Work Completion. That is the latest date for any remaining work to be complete, remediation, integration, deployment, testing, etc. That is our drop-dead date for the project. Any work past that date is truly outside the mandate we have communicated.
666 Year 2000 Project Definitions Mission Critical yes, nearly, no, tbd Compliance Status green, yellow, red, tbd Remediation
777 Year 2000 Project Project Phases Project Management Six Phases: 1 - Research - Gather information. 2 - Assessment - Conduct a self test assessment. 3 - Planning - Prioritize and develop detailed strategy. 4 - Implementation - Perform work to ensure compliance. 5 - Testing - Provide adequate supporting detail. 6 - Deployment - Make compliant systems ready for use. Priority to Mission Critical Areas Testing Plans
888 04/15/987 Year 2000 Project Overall Statistics No silver bullet Not a puzzle with a single answer Compare to any large scale project, many tasks, lots of resources Cannot be solved by one tool or one individual
999 04/15/986 Year 2000 Project Costs CORs Operating Expenditures Budget Temps etc. contingency planning
10 04/15/982 Year 2000 Project Database Examples (hardware)
11 04/15/982 Year 2000 Project Database Examples (software)
12 04/15/982 Year 2000 Project Database Examples (vendor)
13 Year 2000 Project Mission Critical Compliant See printout from database.
14 Year 2000 Project Project Plans - Other Areas Plans at department level, provide plans that have been submitted.
15 04/15/9814 Year 2000 Project Conclusion Status Color Contingency Planning Work Remaining Testing