1 Andy Guo Research Topics Andy Guo
2 Andy Guo Andy Guo (Dean and Professor) l PhD, Mechanical Eng, MIT l MBA, San Jose State University l Research Staff, National Semiconductor l Excellent Teaching Awards, NTU l Best Paper Award, Journal of Management l Distinguished Professor, NTU l Excellent Mentor Award, NTU
3 Andy Guo Main Topics l Supply Chain Management l Innovation Management l Service Management l Business Model and Industrial Analysis
4 Andy Guo Research Methods l Statistical Analysis and Models l Qualitative Case Analysis l Questionnaire analysis
5 Andy Guo Thesis Stages l Advisor finding l Topic selection l Thesis outline l Literature review l Research framework l Data analysis and model building l Thesis writing l Oral exam
6 Andy Guo Advisor Finding l Check the opinions of the past students l Read the past students’ theses l Choose the one that matches your expectation Domain of expertise is less important than personality Don’t choose one that only signs in your thesis but never adds values in contents l Set up mutual agreement
7 Andy Guo How to choose a research topic? l Significance important issue innovation on ideas l Theory scientific process data analysis, math, validation based on management theory l Feasibility reasonable timeframe and scope technical background data availability
8 Andy Guo Topic Selection l Never choose a topic that has nothing to do with your past work experiences l Never choose a topic that is based on future development or prediction instead of being existed already l Never choose a topic using methodology or quantitative model beyond your capability