1 Damietta Container & Cargo Handling Co. DCHC General overview
General Overview 4
Facilities : Total Total Area 620,000 m Container Berths Ro-Ro Berths Total Berth Length 1050 m Maximum Ship’s Draft 14.5 m. Key Facts 5
Reefer plugs Container quay cranes Rubber tyred gantry cranes Reach stacker Top lift Forklifts Mobile cranes Maintenance workshop Container freight station (CFS) 4000 m New L.C.L facility 4200 m Key Facts 6
7 Traffic Structure
Safety & Security (1) DCHC has put in place several security policies to ensure the security of cargo and the facility. Security team: the company employs a 70 member security team, which operates in three shifts of eight hours each,. Continual training in accordance with provisions of International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) is provided to stuff. On – site fire station: an on –site fire station, owned and operated by 9
Safety & Security (2) DCHC, provides first response to emergency situation until the arrival of the port authority fire fighting squad. Maritime patrol of the birth areas are conducted by the DPA police and quay side patrol are performed by the company's security force personnel. The company operates an OHSAS health and safety management system, certified by Moody international, in order to ensure it’s health and safety obligation are met. 10
They trust us 11
Damietta port – Egypt - P.o. Box: 11 Damietta Tel.: Fax: Follow us on :