A. Science Starter: Correctly label these representatives of the three major rock groups as Sedimentary, Igneous, and Metamorphic: 1. ____Why?__2. ____Why?__ 3.____Why?__
B. Science Starter : Correctly label these two Sedimentary rocks with Clastic, Chemical, or Organic (Biochemical): 4. ________ Why?____5. _______ Why?___
C. Correctly label these four rocks with Intrusive, Extrusive, Foliated, or Non-foliated : 6. _______ Why?___7. ________ Why?___ 8. _______ Why?___ 9. ________Why?___
Science Starter Ppt Answers: 1.Igneous-has random, interlocking crystals 2.Sedimentary-has rocky fragments cemented 3.Metamorphic-has flattened & aligned crystals 4.Clastic -has rocky fragments cemented together 5.Organic -contains shells of once living organisms 6.Intrusive -has large &random, interlocking crystals 7.Foliated -has aligned crystals producing layers 8.Extrusive - has gas bubbles preserved from fast cooling 9.Non-foliated -has flattened grains, not arranged/aligned