For all of us 80% of our evaluation is in the same hands it always was—P/NW BOCES. For most of us, P/NW BOCES is in charge of 100% of our evaluation
2 Teacher/Principal Evaluation Formula 60 Evaluation 20 Growth 20 Local Measure 100 Composite
Everyone left with what State Growth measures apply to his/her course(s) for which courses SLOs are needed what Local Measure we are proposing the principles that guided any choices made how to complete the SLO template what baseline data need to be gathered and analyzed in order to set meaningful targets for student learning next steps an opportunity to identify questions and needs going forward
Everyone should Get any updates to information shared last time Learn how to set individual targets based on a pretest, existing data, or a combination Learn how to use the multi-state SLO rubric for self-assessment and feedback to colleagues Have time to review data and begin to set targets
Example of target setting using a baseline measure Example of target setting based on existing data Multi-state rubric for feedback Time in small groups for questions and individual work + and need next evaluation
All SLOs MUST include the following basic components: Student PopulationWhich students are being addressed? Learning Content What is being taught? CCSS/National/State standards? Will this goal apply to all standards applicable to a course or just to specific priority standards? Interval of Instructional Time What is the instructional period covered (if not a year, rationale for semester/quarter/etc)? Evidence What assessment(s) or student work product(s) will be used to measure this goal? Baseline What is the starting level of learning for students covered by this SLO? Target(s) What is the expected outcome (target) by the end of the instructional period? HEDI Criteria How will evaluators determine what range of student performance “meets” the goal (effective) versus “well-below” (ineffective), “below” (developing), and “well-above” (highly effective)? RationaleWhy choose this learning content, evidence and target? 6
This example illustrates the use of baseline data and it also uses the baseline data rubric
This example uses a pretest
Find resources on the Regents Reform Agenda (standards and curriculum, data informed instruction, and teacher/leader effectiveness) at Find local forms, selected information on the above, at the Curriculum and Instruction page for the Special Education Department at or you may navigate there from the main Special Education page at
Ask the colleague to complete the multi-state rubric and give it to you.
Thank you for your participation! Take a post it(s) and write down one positive about today’s meeting Place it on the + chart Take a post it(s) and write down what you want next Place it on the Need Next chart