Client Education NURS 101 Tri-County Tech College
Definitions Learning: process of assimilating information with a change in behavior Andragogy: approach to teaching, refers to adult learning theory -learner is self-directed -past experience is very important -learning is influenced by developmental task or social role
Domains of Knowledge Cognitive {Table 28-4} used in problem solving and decision making (intellectual understanding) Affective emotions and attitudes, beliefs (used in making judgments) Psychomotor uses physical application of knowledge(motor skills)
Assesment of learning Baseline knowledge Cultural and language Motivational factors Compliance Literacy level Sensory and Physical status
Lifespan Considerations Infants – teaching directed to parents Toddler – keep it simple, directed at parents with child present. Might use dolls. School-age – written materials at appropriate reading level, coloring books Adults – consider developmental level, older adults may have sensory problems
Nursing Diagnosis: Knowledge Deficit How do you know the client has a knowledge deficit? 1.Verbalizes the problem 2.Inaccurate follow-through of instructions 3.Inaccurate performance on tests 4.Inappropriate behaviors
Goals Must be client centered Measurable Time- limited Realistic Mutually agreed
Teaching strategies Lectures Discussion Demonstration Roll playing clarification Teaching aids -Pamphlets -Audiovisual -Equipment and models
Evaluation of learning Written tests Oral test Return demonstration Simulation *always document objectively what the client learned