A Course in English Language Teaching (ELT) Dr. Xi Fang Huzhou Teachers College
Agenda 2: Lesson planning 3: Approaches and methods in ELT 7: Assessment in ELT 6: Classroom management 4: Techniques in ELT 1: The making of a good English language teacher 5: The selection and creation of teaching resources
Chapter 1 The making of a good English language teacher
Teaching, is it a craft or an applied science?
A framework of teacher knowledge subject matter knowledge pedagogical knowledge knowledge of the context (Shulman & Grossman, 1988)
Language A B C D Teaching skills Personality Contextual knowledge (e.g. students) A good English language teacher
Pronunciation … Oral proficiency Oral proficiency Cultural awareness Cultural awareness subject matter knowledge handwriting
Personal styles and professional qualities Kind Kind Creative Creative Resourceful Resourceful Well-prepared Well-prepared Accurate Accurate Caring Caring Dynamic Dynamic Patient Attentive Flexible Enthusiastic Disciplined Authoritative Well-informed Warmed-hearted Intuitive Intuitive Humourous Humourous Professionally- trained Professionally- trained Hardworking Hardworking Fair Fair Reflective Reflective
Approaches and methods in ELT Audiolingual method (听说法) Audiolingual method (听说法) Situational language teaching (情境教学法) Situational language teaching (情境教学法) Total physical response (全身反应法) Total physical response (全身反应法) The silent way (沉默法) The silent way (沉默法) Suggestopedia (暗示法) Suggestopedia (暗示法)
Approaches and methods in ELT The lexical approach (词汇教学法) The lexical approach (词汇教学法) Communicative language teaching (交际法) Communicative language teaching (交际法) The natural approach (自然法) The natural approach (自然法) Cooperative language teaching (合作法) Cooperative language teaching (合作法) Content-based instruction (基于内容教学法) Content-based instruction (基于内容教学法) Task-based language teaching (任务型教学 法) Task-based language teaching (任务型教学 法)
Main focus Communicative language teaching (交际法) (CLT) Communicative language teaching (交际法) (CLT) Task-based language teaching (任务型教学 法) (TBLT) Task-based language teaching (任务型教学 法) (TBLT) Situational language teaching (情境教学法) Situational language teaching (情境教学法) PPP (Presentation, practice, production) PPP (Presentation, practice, production)
Some relevant theories concerning the evaluation of a lesson Some relevant theories concerning the evaluation of a lesson
Theory of language Structural view Structural view ( 结构主义) ( 结构主义) Functional view Functional view (功能主义) (功能主义) Interactional view Interactional view ( 互动观) ( 互动观) Learners need to: Learn structural elements Learn language for doing things Learning for communication
Behaviourist theory 行为主义 Cognitive theory 认知主义 Constructivist theory 建构主义 Theory of learning
Behaviourist theory B.F. Skinner
Stimuli-response-consolidation Stimuli-response-consolidation ‘ Listen and repeat ’ drilling activities ‘ Listen and repeat ’ drilling activities Audio-lingual method Audio-lingual method
Cognitive theory Noam Chomsky Noam Chomsky Innate theory Innate theory Language Acquisition Device (语言习得机制) Language Acquisition Device (语言习得机制) Students should be allowed to produce their own sentences based on their understanding of certain rules Students should be allowed to produce their own sentences based on their understanding of certain rules
Constructivist theory Piaget Piaget Vygotsky Vygotsky Base on what learners knew Base on what learners knew Create dynamic interaction between teachers and learners Create dynamic interaction between teachers and learners
A framework of Communicative Competence grammatical competence grammatical competence discourse competence discourse competence sociolinguistic competence sociolinguistic competence strategic competence strategic competence (Canale and Swain, 1980)
Language development Others’ experience Received knowledge Own experience Practice Reflection Professional development Stage 1 Stage 2 Goal Teachers’ professional development (Adapted from Wallace, 1991:15)
Knowledge of the students
Children ’ s characteristics in terms of learning Children ’ s attention span is very limited Children ’ s attention span is very limited 7-10 years old: 20 minutes years old: 25 minutes 12+: 30 minutes Children often do not have a clear purpose for learning. They learn simply because they are happy and enjoy the activity. Children often do not have a clear purpose for learning. They learn simply because they are happy and enjoy the activity. Children like to do things with their hands and bodies. Children like to do things with their hands and bodies. Children are imaginative and creative. Children are imaginative and creative.
Children like new things and they like participating in activities. Children like new things and they like participating in activities. Children are less good at abstract thinking. Children are less good at abstract thinking. It may be difficult for children to understand verbal instruction. It may be difficult for children to understand verbal instruction. Children are excited about experiencing success. Children are excited about experiencing success. …