Introduction & Personal Connection The language I am studying is Italian. I chose Italian because I think it is like Spanish, I know people that are Italian, and because I love Italian food. So I want to know more about their culture. I plan to study this language by listening to videos, going on websites, and much more. From this I’ll learn about the culture, Language, and much more.
Background Italian was originally obtain from Latin. Of all the romances languages Italian is the one that most closely resembles Latin. The earliest written examples of Italian, covering various brief notes and texts, go back to the 10th century AD. The oldest surviving text in Italian is dated to AD 960. The development the language took a long time, with writers each writing their own regional dialects. The Italian written language is based on the dialect of Tuscany(Florence). Which was published or known in the 13 th and 14 th centaury.
Evolution The evolution of the Italian language from Latin occurred at a deliberate and leisurely pace over the course of hundreds of years. This resulted in many different dialects of Italian. Italian language was first formalized in the 14 th centaury through the words of Tuscan writer. His name was Dante he would write poems that were read in Italy by Italians. Since what they read was in that language Italian, the educated Italians learned that language. So it became the official language of Italy.
Cultural Relativity Italian is spoken in the Italian peninsula, southern Switzerland, San Marino, Sicily, Corsica, northern Sardinia, and on the northeastern shore of the Adriatic Sea, as well as in North and South America. In some countries they use the same dialects but in some there are different. There are setbacks and benefits associated with the language.
Global Impact What is the role of the language across the world today? It is the most language learned by people because it is easy to learn it. Since the words are pronounce exactly how they are written. Italian Culture is everywhere you look. It is in most food and fashion(clothing). The best designers live in Italy or are from Italy. The language grows and evolves over time.
Personal Reflection Something else that I would like to learn about my chosen language is how Italian people are. How they act how they celebrate, and much more. In other words I will like to have a real experience of their culture. I can use my language development to impact others in a positive way. I can do this by using it when someone is talking about the language. I can relate to the culture in some ways that will impact others. So that is how I can impact others by me learning the language.
Citation 1. Italy | Italy daily News, Weather, All you need to know about Italy. (n.d.). Retrieved October 14, ITALIAN LANGUAGE HISTORY. (n.d.). Retrieved October 14, Italian language. (2014, October 13). Retrieved October 14, McARTHUR, T., "Italian language." The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed , & "Italian." World Encyclopedia (1998, January 1). ITALIAN. Retrieved October 14, Facts and Figures on Italian Language. (n.d.). Retrieved October 14, 2014.