Operation Connect: Exploring Hospitality Inviting Someone To An Event (Without Pressuring Them)
Start Watching The Clip
Your Gut Reaction... Share something you struggle with when it comes to inviting someone to a church event.
Your Gut Reaction... Do you find you have similar struggles when you’re inviting someone to your home for a meal? In your experience, what are the main differences between these situations?
Continue Watching The Clip
Chewing It Over... The first two ‘phases’ in the rhythm of hospitality outlined in the clip are: 1. Extend the invitation 2. Give a reason for accepting
Chewing It Over... One way to ensure that you extend a positive invitation to an event is to be clear about why you’re excited by the event and believe it will be worthwhile. Share one thing that’s grabbed you about an Operation Connect event.
Chewing It Over... Two pitfalls to avoid when giving a reason for someone to accept your invitation are: Not saying how it will be appropriate Not suggest how it will benefit them
Chewing It Over... In pairs, practice giving a short (no more than 30 seconds) appropriate and benefit-focussed reason for someone to attend the event to which you’re inviting them.
Finish Watching The Clip
Digesting The Meal... The final two ‘phases’ in the rhythm of hospitality are: 3. Allow them to respond freely 4. Accept their response (whatever it turns out to be)
Digesting The Meal... Brainstorm what values and attitudes lie behind these final two phases of extending an invitation. What concrete actions and words do you think might help you express these attitudes in a conversation?