Throughout this training we will come back to three fundamental elements that must exist and be learned in order for good service to exists: 1. Expand your idea of service, 2. Consider or reconsider who your customers are, and 3. Develop customer friendly service techniques.
“The definition of customer service should provide the customer with more than a product or action taken on his/her behalf. It should provide satisfaction. In essence, the customer should walk away pleased at the result of the transaction – not just content but actually happy. A happy customer will continue to be a buying customer and a returning customer.”
1. Friendliness – the most basic and associated with courtesy and politeness. 2. Fairness – the customer wants to feel they receive adequate attention and reasonable answers. 3. Control – the customer wants to feel his/her wants and input has influence on the outcome. 4. Alternatives – most customers want choice and flexibility from service. They want to know there are many avenues to satisfy them. (Wikipedia)
Who are Your Customers? As the old saying goes: “Find out what they (customers) like, And how they like it, And let’ them have it, Just that Way!” (Source: Academics for Educational Development)
Service equals Money
Other types of service feedback include: · Customer focus groups · Polls · Suggestion boxes · Telephone Hotlines · Public forums · Customer evaluation forms · Customer mail/
The free encyclopedia, Business Training Works, -service.html