1 Sébastien Duyck Youth Focal Point to the UNFCCC secretariat Tuesday, June 29, 2010 UNECE Task Force on Public Participation at International Forums Youth Participation at the UNFCCC Process Sébastien Duyck Youth Focal Point to the UNFCCC
2 Sébastien Duyck Youth Focal Point to the UNFCCC secretariat Tuesday, June 29, 2010 UNECE Task Force on Public Participation at International Forums UNFCCC Increasing participation: 450 youth delegates at COP14, youth delegates at COP15, 2009 Progress through the years: 2005: First coordination of youth participation 2009: Provisional constituency status
3 Sébastien Duyck Youth Focal Point to the UNFCCC secretariat Tuesday, June 29, 2010 UNECE Task Force on Public Participation at International Forums Objectives of Youth Participation Promote equity among and between generations through an ambitious, fair and binding climate regime Strengthen the recognition of the role of youth in climate politics and policies Advocacy with National government, Networking
4 Sébastien Duyck Youth Focal Point to the UNFCCC secretariat Tuesday, June 29, 2010 UNECE Task Force on Public Participation at International Forums Issues related to Access to the COP15 Issue 1: lack of readiness of the COP15 organizers to deal with the registration and access of the participants Nominated participants had to queue in the cold for hours/days Nominated participants prevented from taking part to the conference Issue 2: restrictions imposed on the access of civil society delegates Secondary Badge System (2 days) Almost complete lockout of the NGOs, 99% of accredited youth delegates blocked outside (3 days) Issue 3: limited information flow to parties and NGOs Hamper the ability of participants to adapt to restrictions
5 Sébastien Duyck Youth Focal Point to the UNFCCC secretariat Tuesday, June 29, 2010 UNECE Task Force on Public Participation at International Forums Issues related to Qualitative Participation UNFCCC negotiations evolve particularly rapidly during the meetings. Issue 1: lack of transparency of the process Majority of negotiations taking place in meeting closed to observers Issue 2: lack of flexibility to enable effective public participation Rules on civil society intervention constraining valuable input Excessively strict guidelines on actions
6 Sébastien Duyck Youth Focal Point to the UNFCCC secretariat Tuesday, June 29, 2010 UNECE Task Force on Public Participation at International Forums General Comment Lack of understanding of effective participation by the actors of the UNFCCC negotiations Recommendation 1: focal points to the Aarhus Convention should work in closer relation with delegates to the UNFCCC negotiations Recommendation 2: governments should use the opportunity offered in the call for submissions on stakeholder engagement (see )
7 Sébastien Duyck Youth Focal Point to the UNFCCC secretariat Tuesday, June 29, 2010 UNECE Task Force on Public Participation at International Forums Recommendations related to Participation to the UNFCCC Recommendation 1: Aarhus parties should provide a contact point during the UNFCCC meetings in order to work with civil society and to promote the implementation of the Aarhus Convention Recommendation 2: Delegates of the parties to the Aarhus Convention should take an active role at the meetings of the UNFCCC to enhance public participation Recommendation 3: Governments bound by the Aarhus Convention (and other parties to the UNFCCC) support the work of the secretariat Parties must fulfill their financial responsibility and provide the resources for the secretariat to operate effectively
8 Sébastien Duyck Youth Focal Point to the UNFCCC secretariat Tuesday, June 29, 2010 UNECE Task Force on Public Participation at International Forums Issues related to Youth Participation Issue: At present, all groups of stakeholders considered on the same footing. In practice, strong inequalities in terms of capacity, economic resources and political influence among different groups of stakeholders. Recommendation: develop further mechanisms to address these inequalities (Almaty, para. 15)
9 Sébastien Duyck Youth Focal Point to the UNFCCC secretariat Tuesday, June 29, 2010 UNECE Task Force on Public Participation at International Forums Conclusion Which actions have been taking by the parties to the Aarhus Convention to ensure the effective implementation of the Aarhus Convention?
10 Sébastien Duyck Youth Focal Point to the UNFCCC secretariat Tuesday, June 29, 2010 UNECE Task Force on Public Participation at International Forums youthclimate.org Thank you for your attention