12 NOVEMBER 2015 LoS Engagement in the Netherlands The Support4research project Jan Bot, SURFsara Support4research team SURF
SURF SURFsara: NGI + super computing center SURFnet: NREN SURFmarket: collaborative buying NLeSC: Netherlands eScience Center SURF is (as of 2015) a cooperative. Universities, University Medical Centers and research institutes are members. Compute Super computer (Caratesius) Beowulf cluster (LISA) GRID (GINA + LSG) HPC Cloud HADOOP Storage Archive Grid (disk + tape) OwnCloud NoSQL / ElasticSearch Network Routed Lightpaths (MSPs) Wireless
Research Data Life Cycle & SURF Portfolio Analyzing data Preserving data Creating data Processing data Giving access to data Reusing data Trusted Digital Repository B2SAFE/B2SHARE (EUDAT), Persistent Identifier services Research data NL Lichtpaths, Netherlight Bandwidth on Demand Data Ingest Service Storage (raw data) Authentication Authorization collaboration tools (e.g. FileSender) Cluster, Supercomputing GRID Cloud computing HADOOP Visualisation services, Remote clusters & GPUs Collaboratorium, Support Enter a new Cycle, develop a workplan and apply ICT solutions supporting the research data life cycle NLeScience center integration support SURFmarket licences/brokering 3
Funding bodies Regulations Collaborations Funding bodies Regulations Collaborations Research Services & Support Context NL Research e-Infra Instit. Research e-Infra Int. Research e-Infra Researchers ask Where to get facilities? Where do I find expertise, training and support? What regulation do I need to comply with? Commercial providers “Generic” Providers/Support Support/Guidelines/ Good practices/ Networking “LS&H” Support Providers -NL * Project based services Commercial providers
Challenges for SURF Integration of ICT, Innovation and research Only a small group knows how to find us Support model does not scale for LoS Position of SURF: local vs. national vs. international e-infrastructures Access to resources found to be complicated
Support4research (S4R) A four year program across all SURF subsidiaries to address the aforementioned challenges – –Work on visibility of SURF –Enhance knowledge exchange Started from another outreach activity: the Enlighten Your Research competition (Dutch, Global)DutchGlobal –Combined support across all SURF subsidiaries highly appreciated by users Leverage the strengths of the individual subsidiaries –SURFnet (NREN): links with ICT directors at research institutes –SURFsara (NGI): links with researchers & research support –SURFmarket: knowledge of market services –NLeSC: software development & research involvement
Goals Support4Research (S4R) Gather e-infrastructure requirements form research institutes Facilitate interaction, discussions, pilots Increase knowledge (at the institutes) on compute, data and network services Integrated catalog for SURF and partner institutes Strengthen bonds between research supporters Community building & knowledge exchange Improved support flow between SURF subsidiaries and institutes Increase knowledge about e-infrastructures Knowledge exchange, seminars Involve local information managers
Inventory of Research Support in NL Institutes 14 Universities 8 University Medical Centers Talked to Information managers Librarians ICT/Shared service centers Researchers All are involved in ICT & research support
Preliminary results of interview round (1) All institutes are working on research ICT support Need to improve the visibility of the SURF service portfolio Very little knowledge about services outside of own institute & SURF Need to facilitate knowledge exchange between institutes Great variety in research support types: “No priority whatsoever” (hands off approach / informal structures) | “Strategic planning” | “Implementation phase” | “Formal research support on institute level” Great potential to help shape support
Preliminary results of interview round (2) Everyone links e-infra to the research data life cycle –Legal aspects –Opportunity for e-infra providers –New role for funding agencies Institutes struggle with their own outreach & support –Currently tailored to traditional ICT services ( , OS maintenance, … ) –High-end vs. long-tail –Involvement requested in SURF plans –Provides possibilities for collaboration Broad range of support models & e-infra at institutes –Many are centralizing e-infra & support –Development of service catalogues Need for training –Train-the-trainer: build up expertise at the institutes –Train scientists early on (data carpentry, e-infra usage, etc.): collaborate with PhD schools
ICT support roles Scientist Local ICT support staff find the best solution and get started ! find the best solution and get started ! Train-the- trainer Advice, training, hands- on support SURF 11
First actions: baby steps Create infrastructure catalog Create training catalog Organize events in collaboration with research institutes Involve SIGs in entire project Training catalogue Service portfolio
Deliverables S4R 2015 Events with institutes [Done] Internal outreach events [Done] Infrastructure catalogue [Done] Report on research support in NL [Q4] –5 institutes describe their plans for research ICT support Two support pilots [Q4] 2016 (preliminary) Internal & external outreach [Q1-4] Catalogue integration at institutes [Q1-4] Large training event [Q2] Integration of support workflow with institutes [Q1-4] –One helpdesk vs. No wrong door
What about EGI? (and other European projects) SURF and the Dutch research institutes are taking a ‘local first’ approach Local -> National -> European Scale to national facilities when local e-infra is not sufficient or when explicitly requested Scale to European infrastructure when necessary or in context of European projects EGI Great for cross border collaborations Innovation & technology provider Knowledge exchange partner Part of the service portfolio of SURF
Discussion For LoS involve local support Advertise e-infrastructure at the institutes Provide training to both scientists and research supporters
Visit: surf.nl/support4research 16