3-5/10/2005, LjubljanaEWGLAM/SRNWP meeting NWP related Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute 2005
3-5/10/2005, LjubljanaEWGLAM/SRNWP meeting SHMI (1) 2882x2594 km domain size 320x288 points in quadratic grid [2.19 ; SW] [39.06 ; NE] 9.0 km horizontal resolution 37 vertical levels 400s time step 54h forecast length 4x/day 00/06/12/18 UTC coupled to ARPEGE 3h coupling frequency dynamic adaptation mode AL28T3_czphys HPC: pSeries 690 Type 7040 Model CPUs POWER GHz 32 GB RAM Memory IBM FAST T600 Storage Server EXP TB AIX 5.2 NEW ARCHIVE: HW: IBM Total Storage 3584 Tape Library (24 TB) SW: IBM Tivoli Storage Manager one.shmu.sk
3-5/10/2005, LjubljanaEWGLAM/SRNWP meeting SHMI (2) OPERATIONAL and R&D highlights 01/07/2004: full operational status 01/01/2005: 24/7 human monitoring 12/01/2005: switch to +54h integration 31/03/2005: AL28T3_czphys operational 25/07/2005: 06UTC run introduced 21/09/2005: wind dynamical adaptation operational 29/09/2005: 18UTC run introduced Feasibility study of MOS technique Case study of 19/11/2004 severe windstorm 6-10/06/ th ALADIN workshop (Bratislava)