Vocab 3
1. Arrogant: adj. Overbearing; proud; haughty His arrogant attitude made it hard for others to warm up to him. 2. Braggart: n. one who boast a great deal Although Tanya is very proud of her talents she isn’t a braggart. 3. Complacent: adj. self-satisfied; smug Carole could get an A in math, but she’s too complacent to work for it. 4. Contemptuous: adj. lacking respect; scornful When rival cliques are contemptuous of each other, there’s going to be trouble. 5. Disdainful: adj. full of bitter scorn and pride; aloof When asked for a dollar for a cup of coffee, Mrs. Snowbrow eyed the panhandler disdainfully. 6. Egotistical: adj. excessively self-absorbed; very conceited Egotistical individuals cannot get enough of their own reflections in the mirror. 7. Haughty: adj. Having great pride in oneself and dislike for others Haughty Hannah has no use for others; she’s too busy thinking and talking about herself.
Words Relating to Feeling Superior 8. Insolent: adj. boldly disrespectful in speech or behavior; rude When Ernie told the principal to “bug off,” his insolence earned him a suspension from school. 9. Narcissistic: adj. having to do with extreme self-adoration and a feeling of superiority to everyone Quentin is full-fledged narcissist; he spends half the day in front of a mirror adoring himself. 10. Ostentatious: adj. having to do with showing off; pretentious My parents prefer staying at a quiet inn by the sea to a glitzy, ostentatious Miami Beach hotel. 11. Presumptuous: adj. too forward or bold; overstepping proper bounds Presumptuous people would be better off with a bit of self-control and tact. 12. Pretentious: adj. claiming or pretending increased importance; ostentatious; affectedly grand Isn’t pretension often a mask for self-doubt? 13. Supercilious: adj. looking down on others; proud and scornful If we held a contest for superciliousness, haughty Hannah would win hands down. 14. Swagger: vb. to walk around in proud, showy manner; to boast in a loud manner Butch’s swagger reveals an ego as big as a house.