Operating Systems Principles Memory Management Lecture 7: Physical Memory 主講人:虞台文
Content Preparing a Program for Execution – Program Transformations – Logical-to-Physical Address Binding Memory Partitioning Schemes – Fixed Partitions – Variable Partitions Allocation Strategies for Variable Partitions Dealing with Insufficient Memory
Operating Systems Principles Memory Management Lecture 7: Physical Memory Preparing a Program for Execution
Modules reflecting different functions are designed separately, possibly by different programmers.
Preparing a Program for Execution Compilation External Symbol Table Compilation will produce an object module and a corresponding external symbol table.
Preparing a Program for Execution Compilation
Preparing a Program for Execution The linker combines several object modules together to build a load module (EXE) by resolving external references through symbol tables.
Preparing a Program for Execution Logical-to-physical address mapping is done by the loader to transfer the load module from the secondary storage to the main memory.
More on Linking Object Module 1 Object Module 2 Object Module n Logical Address Space Object Module 1 Object Module 1 Object Module 2 Object Module 2 Object Module n Object Module n Linking FFFFFFF
More on Linking Object Module 1 Object Module 2 Object Module n Logical Address Space Object Module 1 Object Module 1 Object Module 2 Object Module 2 Object Module n Object Module n Linking Load Module Logical address space is used by the linker to resolve external references. Binding can be static or dynamic FFFFFFF
Logical-to-Physical Address Binding Load Module 1 Load Module 1 Physical Address Space Load Module 2 Load Module 2 Load Module 3 Load Module 3 Load Module 3 ’ Load Module 2 ’ Load Module 1 ’ Created by linker (on logical address space) aaaaaaaa bbbbbbbb cccccccc Assignment of actual physical addresses to program instruction and data. Program relocation needed (done by the loader)
Address Binding Static binding – Programming time – Compilation time – Linking time – Loading time Dynamic binding – Execution time Assignment of actual physical addresses to program instruction and data.
Static Binding Programming-time Binding – Seldom used – Used in low-level environments – E.g., OS, real-time and embedded systems, control special hardware component. Programming time Compilation time Linking time Loading time
Static Binding SAMPLE PROGRAM FOR MC6802 USING CRS8 The following source file has been named MC6802.ASM CPU6802; 6802 processor HOFMOT ; Motorola Records ORG0100H ; Start of Data Source:DFB'Hello and Welcome' Length:EQU$ - Source ;Length of Source Destin:DFSLength; Buffer which has same ; length as Source ORG0120H; Start of Code Entry:LDX#Source; Point Index Reg to ; Source string LDAB#Length; Number of characters to move Loop:LDAA0,X STAALength,X INX DECB BNELoop Fin:JMPFin ENDEntry SAMPLE PROGRAM FOR MC6802 USING CRS8 The following source file has been named MC6802.ASM CPU6802; 6802 processor HOFMOT ; Motorola Records ORG0100H ; Start of Data Source:DFB'Hello and Welcome' Length:EQU$ - Source ;Length of Source Destin:DFSLength; Buffer which has same ; length as Source ORG0120H; Start of Code Entry:LDX#Source; Point Index Reg to ; Source string LDAB#Length; Number of characters to move Loop:LDAA0,X STAALength,X INX DECB BNELoop Fin:JMPFin ENDEntry Programming-time binding Programming time Compilation time Linking time Loading time
Static Binding Programming time Compilation time Linking time Loading time Compile-time Binding – The compiler is given the starting address for the program to be load for execution. – The resulting program can execute only when loaded into the specific preassigned memory space. – Not relocatable – Rarely used
Static Binding Programming time Compilation time Linking time Loading time Compile-time Binding – Named variables have their addresses hardcoded Global variables given offset from start of global data area Local variables given offset from top of stack Object variables given offset from start of object data – Normal function and method calls are hardcoded Normal functions have specific starting address in object file Object methods have specific starting address in object file
Static Binding Programming time Compilation time Linking time Loading time Link-time Binding – The load module is still not relocatable – The program will be loaded to memory with starting location specified or assumed by the linker (Linkage Editor). – Linking loader: combining linking and loading – Widely used in smaller, single user systems (e.g., CP/M)
Load Module Load Module Static Binding Programming time Compilation time Linking time Loading time Object program(s) Object program(s) Linkage editor Library Simple Loader Memory Object program(s) Object program(s) Linking loader Memory Library
Load Module Load Module Static Binding Programming time Compilation time Linking time Loading time Object program(s) Object program(s) Linkage editor Library Simple Loader Memory Object program(s) Object program(s) Linking loader Memory Library
Static Binding Programming time Compilation time Linking time Loading time Load-Time Binding – The load module is relocatable – What operands are needed to be relocated (relocatable)? Indicated by compilers and assemblers Needed for linking and loading – How to perform relocation? Load Module Load Module Object program(s) Object program(s) Linkage editor Library Loader Memory relocatable What? How? What?
Static Binding Programming time Compilation time Linking time Loading time What operands are needed to be relocated? – Register? – Immediate operand (constant)? – Offset to a base register? – Absolute memory address – Relative memory address? Load Module Load Module Object program(s) Object program(s) Linkage editor Library Loader Memory relocatable What? How? What?
Static Binding Programming time Compilation time Linking time Loading time What operands are needed to be relocated? – Register? – Immediate operand (constant)? – Offset to a base register? – Absolute memory address – Relative memory address? Load Module Load Module Object program(s) Object program(s) Linkage editor Library Loader Memory relocatable What? How? What? Keep unchanged Ralocatable
Static Binding Programming time Compilation time Linking time Loading time How to relocate the relocatable operands? Load Module Load Module Object program(s) Object program(s) Linkage editor Library Loader Memory relocatable What? How? What? Logical Address Space Physical Address Space Load Module Load Module’ x y
Static Binding How to relocate the relocatable operands? Load Module Load Module Object program(s) Object program(s) Linkage editor Library Loader Memory relocatable What? How? What? Logical Address Space Physical Address Space Load Module Load Module’ x y Add all relocatable operands in the load module by the amount of y x. Programming time Compilation time Linking time Loading time
Example... int i;... i = ???;... g();... int i;... i = ???;... g();... Logical Address Space 0 20 i store 20 call g f() {... } g() {... } f() {... } g() {... } Logical Address Space Source Module 1 Source Module function f function g compiler
Example... int i;... i = ???;... g();... int i;... i = ???;... g();... Logical Address Space 0 20 i store 20 call g f() {... } g() {... } f() {... } g() {... } Logical Address Space Source Module 1 Source Module function f function g compiler Relative memory address (relocatable) Relative memory address (relocatable) External reference
Example... int i;... i = ???;... g();... int i;... i = ???;... g();... Logical Address Space 0 20 i store 20 call g f() {... } g() {... } f() {... } g() {... } Logical Address Space Source Module 1 Source Module function f function g compiler Object Module 1 (obj1) Object Module 2 (obj2)
Example 0 20 i store 20 call g function f function f function g function g Obj1 Obj2 0 Others Obj3 Link obj3+obj2+obj1, myexe Logical Address Space 0 Others function f function g i store 370 call 250 linker
Example 0 20 i store 20 call g function f function f function g function g Obj1 Obj2 0 Others Obj3 Link obj3+obj2+obj1, myexe Logical Address Space 0 Others function f function g i store 370 call 250 relocated External reference resolved
Example 0 20 i store 20 call g function f function f function g function g Obj1 Obj2 0 Others Obj3 Logical Address Space 0 Others function f function g i store 370 call 250 Load Module ( myexe ) Link obj3+obj2+obj1, myexe
Example 0 Others function f function g i store 370 call 250 myexe Physical Address Space 1000 Others function f function g i store 1370 call 1250 loader 1000 relocated
Dynamic Binding Dynamic Binding = Binding at Execution Time That is, binding immediately before each memory reference. Hardware support needed for logical-to-physical address mapping Physical address differs from logical address usually by a constant offset.
Dynamic Binding Physical address differs from logical address usually by a constant offset.
Operating Systems Principles Memory Management Lecture 7: Physical Memory Memory Partitioning Schemes
Fixed Partitions – The number of partitions and the size of each partition are determined at the time the OS is initialized. Variable Partitions – Memory not partitioned a priori – Partitioning on demand
Fixed Partitions Single-program systems – 2 partitions (OS/user) Multi-programmed systems – partitions of different sizes OS User OS
How to Assign Processes to Partitions?
FIFO for each partition – Typically, best-fit is used for queue assignment. – Problem: Some partitions may be unused if no processes of appropriate sizes are available. – To resolve the problem, more complex queue management scheme and process scheduling scheme would be required.
How to Assign Processes to Partitions? Single FIFO – More complex, but more flexible. – E.g., rather than leaving a partition empty, the scheduler may assigned a process to a partition not in best-fit sense. – E.g., the actual memory requirement of a process may grow and shrink dynamically.
OS Limitations of Fixed Partitions Program size limited to largest partition Internal fragmentation – unused space within partitions
Variable Partitions Memory not partitioned a priori Each request is allocated portion of free space. Allocating and releasing memory dynamically cause external fragmentation.
Issues How to allocate memories of sizes All free blocks are applicable. None free block is applicable. But, the total amount of free memory is large enough. Allocate which one? Over time, memory will consist a sequence of variable size blocks. Some are free, and some are not.
Hole Coalescing A B D E C F A B D E C F A B D E C F B’B’ A D E F B’B’ B ’’ GGGG A E F G B ’’’ Adjacent holes must be coalesced to prevent increasing fragmentation.
Hole Coalescing Adjacent holes must be coalesced to prevent increasing fragmentation. Four cases on hole coalescing: no adjacent holeA hole at right A hole at leftHoles at two sides
Link List Implementation (I) Free blocks are kept sorted using a doubly linked list. What would be done to release a block of memory? – Check both its neighbors for possible coalescing. Problems: – How to check the right neighbor? – How to check the left neighbor? G A B C D E F free occupied size easy checked by starting from the header (inefficient)
E Link List Implementation (II) Free blocks are linked using a doubly linked list – need not be sorted What would be done to release a block of memory? – Check both its neighbors for possible coalescing. Problems: – How to check the right neighbor? – How to check the left neighbor? AB freeoccupiedsize easy freesizeoccupiedsize C occupiedsize occupiedsize D occupiedsize occupiedsizefreesize easy
Bitmap Implementation Memory divided into fix-size blocks Each block represented by a 0/1 bit in a binary string: the “bitmap” Can be implemented as char or int array Operations use bit masks – Release: B[i] = B[i] & ' ' – Allocate: B[i] = B[i] | ' ' – Search: Repeatedly, Check left-most bit and Shift mask right: TEST = B[i] & ' '
Bitmap Implementation 4K K a b c d e f000 4K K a b c d e f000 4K K a b c d e f000
Bitmap Implementation 4K K a b c d e f000 4K K a b c d e f000 4K K a b c d e f000 4K How to allocate a block of continuous memory of a given size?
Buddy Systems Compromise between fixed and variable partitions Fixed number of possible hole sizes; typically, 2 i. – Each hole of size 2 i can be divided (equally) into 2 buddies of size 2 i 1. – Two buddies can be combined into the original hole of size 2 i. Track holes by size on separate lists – List entries for holes of sizes 2 0, 2 1, …, 2 m. 2i2i 2i12i1 2i12i1
Buddy Systems Compromise between fixed and variable partitions Fixed number of possible hole sizes; typically, 2 i. – Each hole of size 2 i can be divided (equally) into 2 buddies of size 2 i 1. – Two buddies can be combined into the original hole of size 2 i. Track holes by size on separate lists – List entries for holes of sizes 2 0, 2 1, …, 2 m m2m
Buddy Systems When n bytes requested, find smallest i so that n 2 i – If hole of this size available, allocate it; – otherwise, consider larger holes. Recursively split each hole into two buddies until smallest adequate hole is created Allocate it and place other holes on appropriate lists On release, recursively coalesce buddies – Buddy searching for coalescing can be inefficient
Example void p=malloc(1*blocksize); free(12*blocksize); Hole Sizes: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 3 blocks allocated & 3 holes left
Operating Systems Principles Memory Management Lecture 7: Physical Memory Allocation Strategies for Variable Partitions
Allocation Strategies Problem: Given a request for n bytes, find hole ≥ n Goal: – Maximize memory utilization (Minimize “external fragmentation”) – Minimize search time
Common Allocation Strategies First-fit: – Always start from the beginning of free-list – Simplest – Generally the best choice Next-fit: – Rotating-first-fit (Resume search) – Improves distribution of holes Best-fit: – Closest fit – Avoid breaking up large holes. Worst-fit: – Largest fit – Avoid leaving tiny hole fragments
Measure of Memory Fragmentation What measurement could be used?
Measure of Memory Fragmentation What measurement could be used? m : #blocks occupied n : #holes
Measure of Memory Fragmentation What measurement could be used? m : #blocks occupied n : #holes
Measure of Memory Fragmentation What measurement could be used? m : #blocks occupied n : #holes Four types of occupied memory blocks. Increase one hole on release. #holes unchanged on release Decrease one hole on release.
Measure of Memory Fragmentation What measurement could be used? m : #blocks occupied n : #holes Increase one hole on release. #holes unchanged on release Decrease one hole on release. Let a, b, c, d be the average number of occupied blocks of each type in memory during equilibrium. Fact: b = c
Measure of Memory Fragmentation Increase one hole on release. #holes unchanged on release Decrease one hole on release.
Measure of Memory Fragmentation Increase one hole on release. #holes unchanged on release Decrease one hole on release. p : The probability that the request memory size doesn’t match any hole size. Fact: p 1. p : The probability that the request memory size doesn’t match any hole size. Fact: p 1.
Measure of Memory Fragmentation In equilibrium,
Measure of Memory Fragmentation In equilibrium, 50% rule (Knuth 1968) In Equilibrium, of the total number of occupied blocks and holes, 1/3 are holes.
Measure of Memory Utilization In equilibrium, 50% rule (Knuth 1968) In Equilibrium, of the total number of occupied blocks and holes, 1/3 are holes. How much memory is wasted? (average) hole_size is not the same as (average) block_size
Measure of Memory Utilization Assume b : average block size h : average hole size
Measure of Memory Utilization Assume b : average block size h : average hole size 50% rule (Knuth 1968)
Measure of Memory Utilization Assume b : average block size h : average hole size We want to minimize the value of f. It is equivalent to minimize k. How to know the value of k ?
Measure of Memory Utilization Assume b : average block size h : average hole size How to know the value of k ? Simulations by Knuth (1968) provide an answer. k depends on the ratio of b/M, e.g., b M/10, k = 0.22 f 0.1 b M/3, k = 2 f 0.5 Simulations by Knuth (1968) provide an answer. k depends on the ratio of b/M, e.g., b M/10, k = 0.22 f 0.1 b M/3, k = 2 f 0.5
Measure of Memory Utilization Assume b : average block size h : average hole size Conclusion: M must be large relative to b, otherwise much of main memory will remain unused.
Operating Systems Principles Memory Management Lecture 7: Physical Memory Dealing with Insufficient Memory
Managing Insufficient Memory What to be done? – when the total size of free memory is large enough while the memory requirement of a process exceeds the size of the largest partition – when new process arrives with insufficient free memory? – When the memory requirement is larger than the physical memory size.
Dealing with Insufficient Memory Memory compaction – How much and what to move? Swapping – Temporarily move process to disk – Requires dynamic relocation Overlays – Allow programs larger than physical memory – Programs loaded as needed according to calling structure.
Memory Compaction Request for a memory block of size 10. Initial Complete Compaction Partial Compaction Minimal data Movement
Swapping Swap in/out More efficient than memory compaction. – Memory compaction may fail to create a large enough hole. – Effect only small number of processes each time, thus requiring fewer memory accesses. – Swapping can be overlapped with process execution. – Swapping can be used with both fixed and variable size partition, whereas memory compaction is applicable only for variable size partition. What are needed to be swapped out? Code? Data?
Overlaps Allow programs large than physical memory Programs loaded as needed, according to calling structure. A BC DE A k1k1 B
Overlaps A BC DE A k1k1 B C k2k2 D Allow programs large than physical memory Programs loaded as needed, according to calling structure.
Overlaps A BC D E A k1k1 B C k2k2 D E Allow programs large than physical memory Programs loaded as needed, according to calling structure.
Overlaps A BC D E A k1k1 B A C k2k2 D A B C E Allow programs large than physical memory Programs loaded as needed, according to calling structure.