What do you believe?
The picture is an engraving in Ancient Egypt, notice the hats worn by the two adults? Some people believe they could be covering their large heads and skulls. Many believe that aliens have visited us in the course of human history.
How many people believe in aliens? A 2012 poll showed that a third of Americans believe in the existence of Extraterrestrial life.
On Egyptian hieroglyphics there are many strange pictures. Some people think them to be UFOs
Historical visits of UFOs …. 19 th Century: in Mexico, reported that there was more than 300 dark, unidentified objects crossing the sun disk while observing sunspot activity at Observatory in Mexico. 19 th Century : in Venenzula bright object, accompanied with a humming noise, appeared during thunderstorm over a hut near Maricaibo, causing its occupants to display symptoms similar to radiation poisoning. Nine days later the trees surrounding the hut withered and died. Pre 19th Century: 1561 in Germany, it was seen in the form of a battle in the sky lasting about 1 hour, which ended with a large crash with smoke outside the city. 20 th Century:- 1942, in California,Unidentified aerial objects trigger the firing of thousands of anti-aircraft rounds and raise the wartime alert status.
When pilot Kenneth Arnold witnessed a formation of bright circular objects skimming across the mountaintops in 1947, the excitement began. Arnold described them as saucers bouncing across water. That is how the phrase flying saucers came to be. Even though that was thought of as the first sighting, there were others prior to that sighting UFO
In the early days of July, 1947, a UFO supposedly crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. The press and radio reported (before security regulations were imposed by the Air Force), that a wrecked UFO was moved to another area under high security. The bodies of the dead occupants (one whom was reported alive when found) are said to be under tight -security at Langley, Virginia.
UFO…crashes in Aurora,Texas Aurora was designated a "historical site" by the State of Texas…. The year was 1897, and this was the year of the "great airships" reports in the United States. As the story goes, it was on April 17, 1897, that a slow moving space ship crashed into a windmill, bursting into pieces…
After the crash at Aurora, it is believed that the alien was supposedly buried here at the “Aurora Cemetery, Texas”….
Many reports have come from this clandestine site of reverse-engineering of UFOs, test flying UFOs from other worlds, and development of our own designs based on craft captured from other galaxies.
Most of the crop circles are to do with space, maths and Egyptian hieroglyphics. Over 80% of the crop circles in have been proven to be hoaxes. A number of people claim they have seen bright lights flying in different directions for about 30 mins then disappearing in the sky. CROP CIRCLES + EYEWITNESSES
n Apparently aliens have force fields & invisibility (i.e. the motion picture Signs), travel interstellar distances and/or cross “dimensions” but have to navigate by making drawings in corn fields?? Arguments against crop circles
Ed Walter, a native of Gulf Breeze, Florida, presents Polaroid photographs of UFOs/saucers to the people of town. 1.being frozen by a beam of blue light from the craft while taking the pictures 2.he was mysteriously lifted off the ground by a strange force during the event 3.received telepathic messages from the aliens 4.faced an alien eye-to-eye
if life is possible at all, then the universe is so vast that it should not only be possible, but almost certain that there are large numbers of extraterrestrial civilisations in the Universe. FRANK DRAKE came up with an equation to calculate the possibility of extra terrestrial civilizations; which became known as the ‘Drake Equation ’.
Photographic Evidence Photographic Evidence..!!
If there's life, there's the potential that in some world orbiting some star in some galaxy, an intelligent space-faring race may be as inquisitive as we are, pondering their place in the cosmos and looking for other civilizations like their own. In an effort to find intelligent civilizations, we have to assume that they're a bit like us, so the first thing we look for are radio waves. The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) has been doing this for 50 years, carefully listening for any ET call home. If humans communicate via radio waves, there's a good chance that another intelligent civilization has done the same.
If there are any human decedents beginning to spread beyond our planet, it would be a real downer for an aggressive alien invasion to suddenly appear in response to our ancient transmissions. I'm sure we'd look back at our idiotic past-selves with anger when we realize we are living in the backyard of a vastly superior alien race intent on eradicating the human infestation that's spreading down their garden path. On the other hand, we might contact a race of "huggy" aliens who genuinely want to be our friends. But on the off chance that we might get eaten, I'm with Stephen Hawking. Let's be careful about how we advertise ourselves, shall we?
SO….. Until there is a UFO or intelligent alien life form filmed and broadcast on mainstream TV, it is unlikely that the general population will believe in all the sporadic UFO sightings that people tell us of each year. Confirmation from the Government or Nasa that Aliens really do exist seems to be the proof that we are all waiting for. The fact that it hasn't come yet is what leads many to believe that UFO's don't exist. Yet there is a LOT of proof that they do. I put more emphasis on historical proof then current ufo pictures and videos.