Relative Humidity Lab Hand in your Pre-Lab at the front of class.
1) Put away all books, calculator, and notes. 2) You will have 10 minutes to complete the pre-lab quiz. 3) When you are finished your quiz, put up your hand and I will collect your quiz.
To Do Today 1)Hand in pre-lab 2)Write pre-lab quiz 3)Relative Humidity Demo 4)Complete lab on relative humidity (lab is due at the beginning of next class) 4)Watch video on Abiotic/Biotic 5)Quest on chapter 8, 9, 10 of text on Fri
What will the Quest cover? 1)p. 280 Ch. 8: 1-6, review A,B 2)p.310 Ch. 9: 1-19 review A, B 3)p.342 Ch. 10: 1-15 review A