Illiteracy in the world E10 KANA
Summary These days, we have several problems in our living planet. Global warming, the decrease of rain forests, world hunger, and the biggest problem I consider is the illiteracy of poor country. Illiteracy is people that can’t read and write and the biggest cause is linked with an array of poor life outcomes, such as poverty, unemployment social exclusion, crime and long term illness.
Affect ・ The cost of illiteracy to the global economy is about $1.19 trillion. ・ The effects of illiteracy are very similar in developing and developed countries. This includes illiterate people trapped in a cycle of poverty with limited opportunities for employment or income generation and higher chances of poor health, turning to crime and dependence on social welfare or charity.
Solutions Foreign countries provides money to help the poor country to have a better education, but since the poor countries uses those money in different way this doesn’t really work.
Statistics According to UNESCO, in the world today there are about 1 billion non- literate adults. ・ This 1 billion is approximately 26 percent of the world's adult population. ・ Women make up two-thirds of all non-literates. ・ 98 percent of all non-literates live in developing countries. ・ In the least developed countries, the overall illiteracy rate is 49 percent. ・ 52 percent of all non-literates live in India and China. ・ Africa as a continent has a literacy rate of less than 60 percent. ・ In Sub-Saharan Africa since 1980, primary school enrollment has declined, going from 58 percent to 50 percent. ・ In all developing countries, the percentage of children aged 6-11 not attending school is 15 percent. In the least developed countries, it is 45 percent.(UNESCO 1998)
Possible Solutions America is the one of the biggest country that is trying to solve this problem from humanitarian reasons and also to increase their own trade and national security. Besides giving money to the poor country, foreign country started to provide resources such as teacher, school, books.
What Will be the Result if This Problem ISN’T solved soon? It won’t cause a big affect soon but if this problem isn’t going to be solve for a long time, the world economy is going to decrease since the low income county(LIC) doesn’t develop.
References Economic_&_Social_Cost_of_Illiteracy.pdf ssible_solutions_for_illiteracy cy