Unit 2- Computer Hardware
Identify system components Describe the role of the central processing unit Define computer memory Identify types of storage devices Care for storage media
Box that contains components Tower case All-in-one
Displays the images LCD or LED ◦ Very thin CRT (old) ◦ Very bulky
My Computer PowerPoint: ◦ Take pictures of your devices or ones in a store ◦ Include brand/model
Central Processing Unit ◦ Processor or “Brain” Reads/interprets instructions ◦ Performs calculations to complete tasks Speed= Gigahertz (GHz) ◦ 2.2Ghz ◦ 3GHz 1979= 8 MHz 1993= 200 MHz 2013= 3 GHz
Random Access Memory Active programs/data are held here ◦ Stores what you are creating ◦ “Short-term memory” Disappears when computer is off Measured in Gigabytes (GB) ◦ 4GB-8GB is standard now
Circuit board Connects all components ◦ CPU ◦ Memory ◦ Hard drive Bus ◦ Data transfer to components
1’s & 0’s Use for storage size ◦ Hard drive, RAM, CD/DVD Bit= a 1 or a 0 8 bits = 1 byte (a letter or number) KB= 1024 bytes MB= Million bytes GB= Billion bytes TB= Trillion bytes
Start, Control Panel, System
BIOS or ROM Chip on motherboard Has instructions to boot your computer ◦ Read only- no store data ◦ Tells where OS is stored (HD) Info stays when power is off
Power on the PC ROM BIOS checked for location of OS ◦ Usually on the hard drive Loads OS from hard drive into RAM OS Starts You log in
What speed is a CPU measured in? ◦ GHz Which memory holds your active, running programs or what you copied? ◦ RAM Which type of monitor is shown? ◦ CRT
Which memory goes away when power is off? ◦ RAM What holds the computer’s boot instructions? ◦ BIOS ROM What is the brains of a computer? ◦ CPU- what does it stand for? The CPU, RAM, and ROM are all on what component? ◦ Motherboard
Store data permanently ◦ Long-term storage GB or TB ◦ 500GB ◦ 1TB Inside Case External HD ◦ USB
Optical uses a laser to read/write data CD or DVD-ROM= Read Only CD or DVD-R= Record Once CD or DVD-RW= Rewritable CD= 80 min./ 700MB DVD= 2 hrs./ 4.7GB BD= 4.5 hrs. of HD/ 25GB
Size Hard Drive: ◦ Start, Computer, right- click on C: Type of Optical Drive: ◦ Logos on/next to drive
No moving parts inside SSD HD ◦ In thin laptops Memory Cards ◦ SD, SDHC, microSD, CF, Memory Stick USB Flash drive
8-inch 5 ¼” 3 ½” 3.5” Disk only held 1.44MB (Megabytes) Most photos are about 2MB!
Don’t drop your HD Avoid extreme temps for CD/DVD ◦ Like in a car Hold optical media by edges Keep discs in sturdy case
In groups of 2, make a poster… ◦ Title of device ◦ Big picture of device ◦ Speed, RAM, HD ◦ 2-3 Special Features Desktop Laptop/Notebook Ultrabook Tablet Smartphone Game System E-Book Reader
T/F. Hard drives are used to temporarily store what you are creating. ◦ False Which removable storage would you use to copy pictures from one PC to another? Flash Drive, Memory Card, Floppy, or Ext. HD ◦ Flash, Mem Card, or Ext HD Which optical storage would be used to store music and then later erased to store photos? ◦ CD-RW
How much data can a Blu-Ray DVD hold? ◦ 25GB If pictures are about 3MB each, how many pictures could you put on that disc? ◦ About 8300! Which storage device has no moveable parts? ◦ SSD/Flash
Unit 2- Computer Hardware