Using Common Core Research Standards to Vertically Plan Research Throughout Your School Peter G. Mohn Glacier Peak High School 2016 NCCE Conference February 24, 2016
Common Core CCR Standards
Students Build strong content knowledge Proficient in new areas of knowledge through research and study (p. 7)
Students respond to audience, task, purpose and discipline Adapt their communication in relationship to audience, task, purpose, and discipline Adjust purpose by task Use appropriate types of evidence (p. 7)
Students will value evidence Cite specific evidence Use relevant evidence to support their own points Make their reasoning clear to their audience Evaluate other’s use of evidence (p. 7)
Students will use technology and digital media strategically & capably Use technology to enhance their communication Tailor their searches online to efficiently acquire useful information Integrate information using technology Familiar with the strengths & weaknesses of technological tools & mediums Select and use the best suited technology & mediums to their communication goals (p. 7)
Who is responsible to teach which portions of the standards Grades 6 – 12 English/Language Arts teachers Social Studies teachers Science teachers Technology teachers (p. 8)
Student Writing: responding to reading & research Ability to plan, revise, edit and publish Specific Writings Arguments informative/explanatory Narratives Draw upon & write about evidence (p. 8)
Writing: Common Core Standards 6. Use technology, including Internet, to produce & publish 7. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects 8. Gather relevant information from multiple print & digital resources 9. Draw evidence from literary & informational texts 10. Write routinely over extended & shorter time frames (p. 41 & 61)
The Matrix - Subjects English/Language Arts History/Social Studies Science Technology Other Departments
Matrix Key: Types of research Research steps (whatever model you use) Media Product
Types of Research BR = Brief Research (one day) SR = Short Research ( up to one week) LR = Sustained Research (over one week) Rep – Report Res - Research
Research Steps (example) 1 = Initiating a Research Assignment 2 = Selecting a Topic 3 = Exploring for Information 4 = Formulating a Focus 5 = Collecting Information 6 = Preparing to Present 7 = Assessing the Process
Media All = All mediums R = Reference material B = Books D = Databases N = Newspaper Articles M = Magazines J = Academic Journals P = Primary sources I = Illustrations, pictures, photos, etc. C = Charts, graphs, etc. W = Internet resources
Product E = Essay, paper, etc. O = Oral Report P = Poster, tri-fold poster, diorama, etc. S = Slide Presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.) V = Video MM = Multi-media
Phases to Building a Matrix Phase 1 = Current school research projects Phase 2 = Meet with each department to add new Common Core projects Phase 3 = Share entire matrix with departments Phase 4 = Department chairs discuss Common Core Research projects Phase 5 = Departments revise research projects (vertical & horizontal planning of research & technology skills)
Links to PowerPoint & Matrix Template