Dr.R's Basketball Class About Dr'R Enter
Dr.R, named Bruse Rock. He was the best point guard of West High School history, and he has been assistant coach in 3 NBA teams. He has been engaging in unprofitable basketball teaching for 5 years in over 400 high schools and colleges. Home
5 positions Triple Threat Practice time Today I gonna teach you 5 positions in basketball game and Triple Threat as a basic skill. click each bottom and get start. It's gonna be interesting. Please leave "practice Time" at last.
Pick your Position
You choose the Magic!! Earvin Johnson is a PG PG, the point guard. Generally PG is the organizer and director of offense. Thus great field of horizon, fast speed, excellent dribble skill are required. Most significantly, PG needs decent shooting accuracy to draw defenders. PGs without good shooting like Rondo and Rubio in NBA will be sinply considered as assitors by defenders, therefore burden other teammates' offense on the contrary. Back Move on
You must know Micheal Jordan!! Micheal Jordan is a SG SG, the shooting guard. Just as its name tells, the main job of a SG is scoring. There are two types of SG. The first is like Ray Allen, known as shooter, who has excellent capacity and high accurary of catch-and-shoot. The second is like Micheal, who masters multiple offense skills, good at shooting, post up, lay-up. Good physical quality is required for Micheal-like SGs. MJ is the best SG of NBA history. Tip Generally, PG and SG are the shortest ones in a team BackMove on
Welcome Lebron James!! Lebron James is a SF SF, the small forward. Generally, SF is taller than both PG and SG. SF should be able to do what other postions do, shooting, rebound, post-up, defense. Like SG, the main job of SF is scoring as well. So SF often plays as SG sometimes on the court, this kind of player who can alter between SF and SG is named "swingman". Lebron can play all 5 positions and defend all 5 positions as well. BackMove on
I'm Tim Duncan!! Tim Duncan is a PF PF, the power forward. As its name implies, PF is always strong. Their main job on court is rebound, card position and post defense. PF was always the last choice in offense in the past, and things is getting better, now PF participate more in offense, sometimes even being the target man, like Kevin Love. But defense is always primary duty of PF. Tim Duncan is known as the Stone Buddha due to his calmness and indestructible defense. BackMove on
Oh!! The Shark!! Shaq O'Neal is a C C, the center. Generally C is the tallest in a team. C always takes advantage of their height to score, grab rebound and shoot. Their main sphere of activity is the post zone. In modern basketball games, C and PF become similiar. They are always called " The Towers" jointly. Shaq is one of the best 4 Cs in 1990s NBA, and known as the most destructive one. BackMove on
Well Done! Now you know the 5 positions in basketball team. Let's do some recognition. Ready? Go to quiz
· SF is the abbreviation of what? Small Forward Shooting Foward Special Force Safe Forward A B C D Hint
Well Done! Move on
Well, it can be. But in basketball term, SF refers to small forward. Move on
PF, as the power forward, is also called " big forward", so whereas SF I Know!
·Which position does Micheal Jordan play? PG SG SF PF C ABCDE Hint
Yes! You're right!! Move on
I thought Micheal Jordan didn't play in this position. He played SG Move on
Micheal Jordan is the best shooter in NBA history! I Know!
·Which position is generally the tallest in the team? PG SG SF PF C ABCDE Hint
Perfect !! Move on
He can be. But generally C is the tallest in the team, his duty is post defense. Move on
Yao Ming was the first Asian No.1 pick in NBA history, he is 2.29m tall, and he played..... I Know!
·Which position always play as the organizer and director of offense? PG SG SF PF C ABC DE Hint
Right! A piece of cake! Move on
He can be. But in most situation, PGs play as the organizer and director of in offense Move on
The Magic Johnson was known for his beautiful pass and excellent court horizon, and he played I Know!
Perfect! Mission Clear! HomeNext
Triple Threat Triple Threat, just as its name implies, can pose 3 kinds of threats to defenders, which means......
You can breakthrough!! or...
You can shoot!! and...
You can pass!! Move on
Good Triple Threat depends on your non-pivot foot movement. You can step your non-pivot foot forward to threaten your defender to step backward therefore getting the space to shoot. Also, you can move your non-pivot foot left or right to threaten the defender to move likewise, so you can breakthrough from the negative direction easily Gotcha!!
Small Question ·You can do 3 things in Triple Threat EXCEPT Shoot Pass Crossover Breakthrough AB CD
Nice ! Tip : Crossover is an advanced skill of ball handling. Move on
Sorry, it's a part of Triple Threat! Try Again
·Can you move your pivot foot in Triple Threat? YesNo
If you move your pivot foot,then you'll be counted Traveling. You can't move your pivot foot or step more than two when your ball is non-dynamic. No, actually you can't Gotcha!
You're right!! You can't move your pivot foot! Move on
Fantastic ! Mission Clear !! Home
Which foot is his pivot foot, the left or the right? LeftRight
Good Job!! Move on
Well, it seemed that you misread the GIF, double check and pay attention to his foot movement, I'm sure you can come up with the right answer. Back
What did he do after Triple Threat? ShootPass Breakthrough
Absolutely!! He shooted! Move on
Umm, you might misread the GIF, please double check and make sure to determine his final action Back
What position may the man in blue play? ( Judging by his height and what he did. This question can be multiple choice) CSGPGPFSF
Right! In this question, both PF and C are possible. Since he is relatively taller than other players, as well as he did nice job in post defense. Move on
Make sure you read the hint and double check his duty on court, good luck with that! Back
Well Done ! All mission cleared! Now you can pick a ball and see if you are good to play your dream position. And make sure not to move your pivot foot while Triple Threat. Good luck!