Understanding Local Action: engaging the voluntary sector 10 th September 2012 Fiona Sheil National Council for Voluntary
Who are we talking about?
Trustees Volunteers Donations The three tiers of volunteerism.
What do they do?
Delivering Services Information & commissioning Participation, Democracy & representation Social capital & assets Workforce & Economic weight
Where does this meet Localism?
1. Delivering Services
VCS Grants and Contract Income 2000/ /10
The Compact – 5 key principles A strong, diverse and independent civil society Effective and transparent design and development of policies, programmes and public services Responsive and high- quality programmes and services Clear arrangements for managing changes to programmes and services An equal and fair society
2. Social Capital (volunteering)
2. Participation, Democracy and Representation
Participation in the UK Political 65% voted in % very or fairly interested in politics Local public participation 2009/10 10% direct decisions; 18% consultations 11% contacted local councillor Networks and memberships % total population 300,000 Neighbourhood Watch; 156,754 Amnesty UK 9.1mill professional 13.5mill trade unions
What does this mean for you?
Further Support Fiona Sheil Vicky Redding, Engagement Development Officer, East and West Midlands, Compact Voice