DOE/HENP Networking Update Vicky White October 26th, 2001 HENP Network Users Group Internet 2, Ann Arbor
Vicky White - I2 Network Users Group, Ann Arbor, Oct. 26, 2001 Network Dependency and Requirements Our current and future research programs depend on networks in an ever-increasing way. Demand for bandwidth that may not simply follow the ‘technology curve’ Seamless integration between all local, regional, national and international networks, without bottlenecks or ‘last mile’ problems Network and Application software that can work together to make effective use of the network and provide high bandwidth, as well as manage network usage Petabyte/year Data Intensive Experiments – A Driving Application for Data Grids. ivDGL a virtual Data Grid Lab to push the envelope SciDAC related projects – virtual ‘centers’ for Scientific Simulation teams
Vicky White - I2 Network Users Group, Ann Arbor, Oct. 26, 2001 DOE/HENP Planning DOE/HENP IS paying greater attention to planning for short-term and long-term network requirements. Transatlantic network taskforce – has made its final report (Draft9) A broader network-needs planning group will follow DOE+NSF? We strongly support and encourage other avenues for community input (such as this I2 working group and ESSC technical groups) Will support and encourage ICFA standing (now sleeping!) committee on networking as forum for long range global planning for HENP Need to work more closely with I2, ESNet and ASCR/MICS to understand, cost and meet the network requirements for HENP. We must present our plans/needs in a clear&compelling way. DOE/ASCR Network research and Grid research attention Plans for a DOE/HENP sponsored network-fest day in the late summer at Germantown – slipped to January 2002
Vicky White - I2 Network Users Group, Ann Arbor, Oct. 26, 2001 Getting what we need for HENP Need active participants in network technical working groups such as ESNet technical working group Need to explore innovative ways of meeting network bandwidth needs – e.g. I2 and ESNet ‘arrangements’ with service provider. Need to continue to work with local and state research networks Need to exploit opportunities for transatlantic networking –e.g DataTag project in EU. What else?? Forums such as this are the way to Identify the key issues Form broader interest groups with the energy to push solutions and spin off activities. Crystalize requirements as input to funding agencies, research opportunities, international collaboration, etc. Need to make a coherent strategic plan for the next 6-8 years and continue to keep it sharp and updated
Vicky White - I2 Network Users Group, Ann Arbor, Oct. 26, 2001 And still the question is – who is going to pay? We must ensure that this ‘patchwork’ of solutions to meet our needs and enable our program (starting right now -> through LHC turn-on and beyond) will work seamlessly So we must plan carefully for a ‘patchwork’ of funding to meet these needs. ESNet Evolution of Abilene and Internet2 DOE/HENP supplemental funds Network research projects - NSF and DOE and ? European agency/Institution funding for transatlantic bandwidth Funding for piggy-backing on other initiatives ……..
Vicky White - I2 Network Users Group, Ann Arbor, Oct. 26, 2001 Conclusions Planning for our networking infrastructure to be there and work for our field is essential – for today’s experiments -> LHC and beyond Understanding and working on the key issues that do/will need to be addressed is very important It will take work and education within the agencies and within our community, using many different forums and working groups to make this happen. Thank you all for being an essential and effective component of this “network” of hard work.