Online Services By Edwin
What are online services ? Services that are provided by the internet. There are different types of online services: Government Commerce Entertainment Business
Real Time Information Real time information is a live stream of up to date information e.g. train and plane time tables, ship times. This is also on the internet and is updated on a live stream.
Commerce Examples of commerce are retail, online banking and online auctions. Commerce is things to do with money and trading and storing money.
Government Examples of government online are car insurance, planning, council services These are services online to do with the government or a council
Entertainment An example of entertainment is YouTube This is a video or live stream TV online
Downloading services Some examples are steam, Google play, app store, iTunes These are services that you can get online to download products.
Education Some examples are Moodle, my maths, BBC bitesize, world maths day. Theses are services where you can do work and homework on the internet and the teachers can check it.
Business Business programmes are programmes that can help businesses connect an communicate with each other