Robert’s Rules with Rachel Kerley & Christa Hall.


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Presentation transcript:

Robert’s Rules with Rachel Kerley & Christa Hall

What is Robert’s Rules? Proper way to conduct business Protects rights of members 1 st published in 1876 Used in governments, clubs, and businesses

True or False? The Recording Secretary must record both the member making the motion and the member who seconds the motion. False, the recording secretary should only record the person making the motion. After the motion is seconded, the motion belongs to the body.

True or False? You must be recognized by the Chair to make a motion. True, if not, the chair can call “Out of Order.”

True or False? After the motion has been made and seconded, the maker of the motion can withdraw or rescind it. False, After the motion is seconded, the motion belongs to the body. It can only be amended, tabled, postponed, referred to a committee, or voted upon.

True or False? All reports must be approved by a vote of the membership. False. There is no need to accept or reject committee reports.

True or False? All discussion must be made during a motion. True. No discussion on a particular matter should take place before the motion has been made or seconded or after the matter has been voted upon.

True or False? Motions must be made in the “positive” rather than the “negative.” True. You cannot move not to do something.

True or False? The person who makes the motion may speak both in favor and in opposition of it. False, the motion maker must speak in favor of the motion, but may vote in opposition to it.

Agenda President prepares agenda Committee Reports (if items to report) Any motions to be made Should be made public beforehand

Motions Main Motion Must be seconded, unless they are motions made by a committee Amendable Can be: Voted UponReferred to a Committee Tabled/Postpon ed Amended

Voting By Voice Show of Hands/Rising Secret Ballot (President Votes) Consent President votes to make or break a tie Ties automatically fail

Referred to a Committee Requires a Second Amendable Debatable Majority vote

Tabled vs. Postponed TabledPostponed Second Not amendableAmend time element Not debatable, but must give reason Debatable Majority vote Indeterminate amount of timePostponed to next meeting Not discussed or taken off table at next meeting to kill motion “Postpone indefinitely” to kill motion

Amended Second Amendable, must be related to original amendment (Amendmentception!!!!) Debatable Insert words, add words at end, strike words, strike/insert

Adjournment Made and seconded Not debatable End of all business

Do what’s best for your chapter!

True or False? “I make a motion to…” and “I move to…” are both correct. False. By “moving” you are making a motion. “I move to…” is correct.

True or False? Move to “question” or “previous question” ends all debate immediately and the main motion must be voted upon. False. “Question” must be seconded and voted upon before debate on the main motion can end.

True or False? When a tie occurs, the president may still abstain from voting. True. The president can make or break a tie, but does not have to. All ties automatically kill the motion.