Chapter 25 Indoor Air Pollution
Pathways, Processes and Driving Forces Chimney Effect (Stack Effect) –Process whereby warmer air rises in buildings to upper levels and is replaced in the lower portion of the building by outdoor air drawn through a variety of openings, such as windows doors or cracks in the foundation or walls
Sick Building Syndrome A condition associated with an indoor environment that appears to be unhealthy The symptoms people report cannot be traced to any one particular cause
Where does the pollution come from?
Environmental Tobacco Smoke Secondhand smoke 2 sources –Smoke exhaled by smokers –Smoke emitted from burning tobacco The most hazardous indoor pollutant
Radon Gas Radon –Naturally occurring radioactive gas –Colorless, odorless, tasteless –Only identified through proper testing Health hazard when leaked into homes Exposure is associated with lung cancer
Fixing the Radon Problem Removal of radon emitting source soil or rock Barrier (plastic or some other material) to block radon Venting Sealing, caulking
Asbestos Heat resistant silicate material with multiple uses in manufacturing Breaks down into microfibers which are carcinogous (mesothelioma) Scarring and cell death causes cascade of effect which release mutagens