What does it mean when someone says, “spill the beans”?
In this lesson, you will learn the meaning of the idiom, “spill the beans,” by looking at a comic strip.
Let’s Review An idiom is a phrase or expression that cannot be taken literally.
A Common Mistake On the fence I can’t decide whether I want to be a doctor or lawyer. X
Let’s Review Core Lesson Janet spilled the beans about Samantha’s birthday party.
Let’s Review Core Lesson The idiom, “spill the beans” means to give away a surprise or secret.
Let’s Review Core Lesson Don’t tell Janet about the surprise party! Are you excited for your party? Ok, I won’t. What party? Oops!
In this lesson you have learned the meaning of the idiom, “spill the beans,” by looking at a comic strip.
Let’s Review Guided Practice Write a sentence that includes the idiom “spill the beans.”
Let’s Review Extension Activities Draw a picture that illustrates the meaning of the idiom, “spill the beans.”
Let’s Review Extension Activities Write a story about a time you were “spill the beans”. What happened?
Let’s Review Quick Quiz Write a paragraph that includes the phrase “spill the beans” and shows that you understand the meaning.