Software Packaging for Reuse James Marshall (INNOVIM), Code 614.5, NASA GSFC The Software Packaging for Reuse document (version 1.0), developed and recently released by the NASA Earth Science Data Systems Software Reuse Working Group, identifies and describes the attributes of software packaging, and prescribes a domain model and information architecture for the packaging and dissemination of reusable software assets. Figure 1 – A software packaging domain information model. Boxes represent concepts (attributes), lines indicate relationships, and “1”s and “*”s show the cardinality of the relationship. To assist software developers in improving the way in which they package their reusable software assets, to increase their reusability and thus their benefit to the Earth science data systems community, the Working Group recommends the adoption of the methods and tools described in the Software Packaging for Reuse document, including the domain information model shown here.
Name: James Marshall, INNOVIM / NASA GSFC, Code Phone: References: NASA Earth Science Data Systems Software Reuse Working Group (2010). Software Packaging for Reuse, Version 1.0. February 25, Available: Data sources: Collaborative discussions with members of the NASA ESDS Software Reuse Working Group and their collective experience. Technical Description of Image: Figure 1: A software packaging domain information model. Boxes represent concepts (attributes) relevant to the software package. Lines indicate a particular relationship (with labels on the lines spelling out the relationship type). Cardinality of the relationship is indicated by a “1” (meaning a 1-to-1) relation, or by a “*” indicating a 1-to-many relation. [NASA ESDS Software Reuse WG, 2011] Scientific significance: The reuse of existing software assets in the development of new software and systems can save time, money, and effort. How a software asset is packaged can affect its reusability. The attributes of software packaging and the domain model presented in the Software Packaging for Reuse version 1.0 document provide software developers with information they can use to improve the packaging of their reusable assets. Better packaged assets are generally more reusable, which makes them more likely to be reused and thus better able to provide the benefits of software reuse. Relevance for future science and relationship to Decadal Survey: By assisting software developers to improve the packaging for their reusable assets, the Software Packaging for Reuse version 1.0 document offers a way to ensure that the development of future software and systems will be able to reuse existing assets more easily, thus achieving more benefits through software reuse. If the decadal survey missions now in progress consider reusability from the start, when it is typically the easiest to work into software development, the assets they develop can be reused by similar, future missions, including later- tiered decadal survey missions, to reap the benefits of software reuse.