Good MorningMorning Union Owls!
Ready In ……………… Action
Good morning and welcome to WOWL morning news. Today is Friday, February 26, I’m Arnie. And I’m Ester.
Please pause for a moment of quiet reflection.
Thank you. Leading us in the pledge to the American flag is. from Mrs. Helms class. Please stand for the pledge and continue standing for our Union Owl Pledge.
Stand, Salute, Pledge. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisable, with justice for all.
Union Elementary Pledge Thank you, please be seated. I promise today to do my best In reading, math, and all the rest. I will be responsible for all that I do, Be orderly and keep a positive attitude. I will show respect everywhere I go, Be trustworthy, caring, and show what I know. I will be held accountable every day. Hear me hoot the Union Owls’ way!
Having a birthday today is: Brianna C. Sandra Smith Having a birthday on Saturday is Arnie. C We have no birthdays for Sunday
Today in History in 1919 the Grand Canyon National Park was established and in 1993 a bomb exploded at the World Trade Center in New York. The blast killed six people and injured more than 1,000.
The Tech Word of the day! Shortcut – When you click on an icon, it is a shortcut to a file or program
Today for lunch we are having: Cheese pizza Corn Side Salad Pineapple bits P B & J Sandwich Choice of Milk
Today’s Weather Forecast Our weather for today is cool and partly cloudy. We are currently at 30 with a high of 50 and a low of 27
Our character trait for February is honesty. You can show honesty by not taking things that do not belong to you.
Our safe bus tip today is to always walk to and from the bus; never pushing or shoving.
School Announcements! Now here is Mrs. Houser. Students Mrs. Godfrey is counting the Box Tops you have turned in and you have reached our goal of A special event has already been planned for you. The running club will meet Monday after school. Make sure you bring your running clothes with you. Have a great day and remember to treat others the way you want to be treated.
Thought for the day It is okay to laugh at funny things, but not to laugh at others. Enjoy life!
That concludes our morning news. Have a great day. Remember to Engage: Become involved. Explore: To examine closely. Empower: To make confident. I’m Ester, and I’m Arnie signing off for WOWL.
Anchors: Arnie C. & Ester M. Music: Victoria K. Boards: Evelyn W. Camera: James B. Director/Producer: Mrs. Heavner Source: Google Images 7 Day Forecast Safe Bus Tips: NC School Transportation Department