Network Topology
Network Topology Cont. Sender = 0 and Receiver = 5 Sender = 0 and Receiver = 5 Sender transmits ftp traffic over TCP/IP to receiver Sender transmits ftp traffic over TCP/IP to receiver Data can travel over each link in both directions Data can travel over each link in both directions All links except link 1 to 2 have a bandwidth of 1 Mbps and propagation delay of 2ms All links except link 1 to 2 have a bandwidth of 1 Mbps and propagation delay of 2ms Link 1 to 2 has a bandwidth of 1 Mbps and a propagation delay of 10ms Link 1 to 2 has a bandwidth of 1 Mbps and a propagation delay of 10ms
Packet Trace Format (.tr file) 1) Event 2) Time (seconds) 3) From Node (integer) 4) To Node (integer) 5) Packet Size (bytes) 6) Packet Type (tcp, ack, etc.) 7) Flags 8) Flow ID (for IPv6) 9) Source Address (node.port) 10) Destination Address (node.port) 11) Sequence Number (integer) 12) Packet ID (unique integer)
Event Field Format r : receive (at to node) + : enqueue (at queue) - : dequeue (at queue) d : drop (at queue)
Example of trace format r ack Received acknowledgement of TCP packet 15 with packet ID 201 of size 40 bytes at time (secs) from node 3 to node 2. The source addr (sender with port 0) is 0.0 and the dest addr (receiver with port 0) is 5.0. The Flow ID is 1 and the flag field is empty.
HW 2 Description Write a Perl or AWK script to extract the necessary data (i.e. what was specified in from file Write a Perl or AWK script to extract the necessary data (i.e. what was specified in from file Use this data as input to xgraph to graph the results Use this data as input to xgraph to graph the results Provide written analysis of all graphs Provide written analysis of all graphs Man pages and internet should provide the necessary information for Java, Perl, AWK, and xgraph (i.e., and Man pages and internet should provide the necessary information for Java, Perl, AWK, and xgraph (i.e., and Turn in hardcopies of all scripts Turn in hardcopies of all scripts
xgraph Either make a file with two columns of data or print the columns out directly and pipeline the data into xgraph For example: xgraph -t MyGraph -x throughput -y time MyFile or java MyProgram | xgraph -t MyGraph -x throughput -y time